3 Ways To Improve Your Business Recycling | Waste Wise Products

3 Ways To Improve Your Business Recycling

3 Ways To Improve Your Business Recycling

If you are a business looking to improve your sustainable practices, it can be hard to find a starting point. Here are three easy ways to building a more sustainable culture in your workplace.

Nurture and provide structures for green practices

In order to create a work environment that would support greener initiatives, it’s important for the business to create structures of support. It could be as simple as installing bike racks for parking and creating storage space for reusable mugs in the kitchenette, or placing a point-person in charge of organizing carpools to the office. By creating avenues for sustainable practice, you’ll find your employees more inclined to support green initiatives. 

Another way to introduce a greener environment is to blend work with green practice. For example, introducing a crafting station, or a “crafternoon” with workshops for crafting with waste around the office (such as paper, plastic, and other recyclables) not only introduces a zero-waste practice in the office, but can boost creativity and productivity. The positive outcomes from play in the office would not only help your business, but it can also help green it.

Provide appropriate signage and incentives

In many cases, providing the right educational materials and signs significantly improves green practices, such as recycling. Clear signs placed next to bins on how to recycle each material in the workplace increases the percentage of recycled materials. Paired with information on the effects of recycling–such as the environmental benefits–or an incentive for participation, can encourage employees to recycle appropriately. Incentives could include a party funded by any gains from reduced waste, bonuses, or gifts.

Look for subsidized opportunities for your business

One obstacle that some businesses face is finding the budget for introducing sustainable practices or methods in the workplace. Fortunately, your business might be qualified for funding or grants that support green initiatives in the workplace. Depending on your location, there might be government grants or rebates that can support a project you introduce. A local, green non-profit organization can also become good partners for getting advice, training or support if you’re leading green efforts in the office.

Overall, encouraging sustainable practices starts with direction, education, and fun. For more ways to introduce green practices, contact us.

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