3 Reasons Why Green LEED Buildings Can Boost Business

LEED building standards are a hard reach for many companies, whether when building a new structure or retrofitting an existing building or space. In turn, a business might decide that it’s not worth the time, consultation, and effort to become LEED certified. In reality, there are many benefits to LEED and green building certification that translate into greater profit margins, even though it might not be clear from the beginning. Here are 3 encouraging reasons why going green for your building or office can boost your business.

1. It will increase your financial performance.

For one, LEED buildings encourage energy conservation. The overall operation costs when running an office or retail space dramatically decrease with energy-saving fixes. Cost-saving improvements include LED lights, increased natural lighting during the day, energy-efficient appliances, efficient HVAC systems, greener energy sources, and improved insulation. These changes translate to fewer costs and higher returns. 

 2. It’s healthier for your employees, which in turn provides great employee health and satisfaction.

LEED building and environmental codes support cleaner air, natural lighting, and biophilia, which have all pointed to improving employee health and satisfaction in the workplace. And a happy and healthy staff means greater productivity and employee retention for your business, improving your profit margins and greater sustainability of your business over time.

3. It creates a positive shopping environment that will draw new people in and retain repeat customers. 

For visitors, green buildings that take advantage of natural lighting, greener landscapes and interior design and more, have encouraged positive reactions from shoppers. With a shopping environment that feels more natural, customers feel better and actually shop more, as found by a 2011 study of a Marks and Spencer location in Sheffield, England. In addition, having a LEED-certified shop engages consumers that are invested in greener practices, and can feel more at home supporting a business that clearly values sustainable practice, from their building to their services and products. 

Overall, consumers begin to associate a green building and its components–from the natural lighting to the recycling bins–into a positive experience. Not only will you benefit from the operation savings, but you’ll see increased profits from happy consumers and employees.