2 Resources To Start Sustainability Programs at the Office | Waste Wise Products

2 Resources To Start Sustainability Programs at the Office

2 Resrouces To Start Sustainability Programs at the Office

Starting a sustainability program at the office, whether it’s a more efficient recycling system, or installing solar panels and LED lighting, involves a lot of time and research. It can be a daunting task, especially for a new team or sustainability coordinator. There are a lot of factors to consider, from tax deductible Federal programs to private sector incentives. So where does one begin? We don’t have all the answers, but we have 2 starting places to look for a partner or program that can help your business find support for your green program.

1. DSIRE Programs Catalog: The DSIRE catalogs lists a number of programs that provide incentives, rebates, and regulatory help for businesses and residential areas who want to apply energy efficiency or renewable energy sources. The catalog gives extensive information about who can apply to certain programs, what each program entails, who administers the program, and who to contact to get started. Try filtering results for non-residential eligibility sectors to find programs appropriate for businesses or public sector groups, to start.

2. Green Biz’s Energy Efficiency listing: The Green Biz’s website offers a great list of businesses or consultants that can help your office evaluate its energy efficiency and begin crafting a plan for improved energy savings or waste reduction. Many businesses can use a consultant to generate a better idea of where they should focus their energy in, and also provide a convincing report to company leaders, offices, or investment boards. 

This list is not meant to be comprehensive, but really provide two starting points for any office that’s just starting their research and development in green practices. Overall, we hope that these resources can help launch your sustainability practices with greater ease. 

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