Tips For Hiding Your Recycling Bins Around The House | Waste Wise Products

Tips For Hiding Your Recycling Bins Around The House

Keeping your recycling bins close at hand in the home is one of the easiest ways to remember to recycle, especially when it comes to sorting your recyclables. However, many people don’t want to have recycling containers out in the open or in the way. While many people choose to put their recycling bins in the garage or outside, there’s no reason why you can’t keep them in the home to be more convenient while still keeping them out of sight. Here are a few tips on how to hide those recycling containers.

Keeping Recycling Bins Out Of Sight In The Kitchen

Many of the same technique that you use to keep your regular wastebasket out of sight in the kitchen work for recycling containers as well. You can place bins underneath the sink in a cabinet. You can also buy recycling bins with a slip attachment and slip it to the inside of a cabinet door. If you use this method, make sure to only fill this bin with light waste, such as plastic bottles, to avoid damaging the door. You can also use a clip on bin and attach it to your regular waste basket in order to save space.

There are also pull out slides that you can use underneath your cabinets. These have the added benefit of pulling out to make throwing away trash move convenient. With a sliding drawer, you can use larger recycling containers and fill them with heavier items (like glass bottles) without worrying about damaging anything. You can pull out your recycling bins when needed and then quickly hide them out of sight.

You can also use a lazy Susan rotating type of accessory under a corner cabinet. You can place a number of smaller recycling containers on the rotating platform and you can instantly store and sort all of your recyclables in one spot. You can buy a set of smaller recycling containers that clip to one another and keep them all in place as you rotate the platform.

Best of all, these tips will keep your recycling bins out of sight without having to put them outside or in the garage. Plus, who wants to head outside or into the garage every time they want to throw out a bottle?

Tips And Tricks To Fit Your Recycling Containers Into Your Home’s Layout

Today, recycling containers come in a number of different designs. For homes with a modern, contemporary design to them, there are recycling containers that are made from steel that go well with a modern kitchen design. Other recycling bin options include units designed with sharp lines and bold colors. While you aren’t literally hiding the receptacles, you are visually integrating them into the home.

Whether you hide your recycling containers or integrate them with your home’s decor, there’s no reason why you can’t make recycling convenient without creating an eyesore. When recycling is convenient, more and more people get involved.

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