Tips For A More Environmentally Friendly Weekly Routine

Shopping totes. Reusable coffee mugs. Notebooks made of recycled materials. These are some items you probably have in your home, most likely either by accident or by design. As a unit, people in towns, cities, and states all across the U.S. have been making these small efforts to keep the Earth in better shape. You can do more for your immediate environment, simply by adding a few extra things to your daily or weekly routine. 

Recycling bins are a simple place to start. If you have a recycling company in your area, contact them to get started on making a bigger impact in your area by sorting plastics, metals, and paper for reuse.

Closely following recycling bins are compost bins, which are for organic matter. Separated from the other reusable materials, organic matter is perfect for fertilizing your garden and yard. It seems like a lot of extra effort associated with recycling & composting, but the reality is, your time is contributing to a healthier and longer lasting planet.

Try walking to work or the store if you live close by. The health benefits, alone, prove the worth of this small, energy and fuel saving tip. If we are perfectly honest with ourselves, most places that we drive are close enough that they are within walking distance. Walking instead of driving one day out of the week lowers your carbon footprint and gives you a “built-in” exercise plan.

Other environmentally friendly activities include neighborhood cleanups, using solar garden lights, and reducing your waste output. These small changes make big impacts over time.