

Glass Packaging: Ideal for Recycling and How You Can Help

Glass Packaging: Ideal for Recycling and How You Can Help

Glass packaging has long been known as an optimal packaging material for preserving taste and health benefits, but it is also great for the environment. Glass offers numerous benefits for companies and is ideal for recycling.

5 Ways To Celebrate Earth Day

5 Ways To Celebrate Earth Day

Since 1970, people from the United States and all over the world have celebrated Earth Day (April 22), a day of activism and recognition for how we all impact our environment. Many people take this time to do something green or encourage their governments to enact green legislation.

Turning Cups into Trees: A Recycling Innovation to End the Traditional To-Go Cup

Turning Cups into Trees: A Recycling Innovation to End the Traditional To-Go Cup

Whether you run on Dunkin or get your morning jolt from Starbucks, you've seen the unbelievable amounts of waste that comes from the disposable to-go cup. While many places are starting to reward customers with discounts by using their own mugs and thermos, our culture of convenience still makes to-go cups and containers the go-to option for travel.

Green Your Easter Egg Hunt With Recycled Materials

Green Your Easter Egg Hunt With Recycled Materials

Easter is a natural green event: on our calendars, it marks a season of springtime renewal and life, and the commercial images of the Easter bunny and eggs help reinforce that celebration. Why not go truly green this April with some green DIY projects straight from your recycling bin? Here are our suggestions for greening your Easter.

Will Clothing Made From Plastic Bottles Revolutionize Fashion?

Will Clothing Made From Plastic Bottles Revolutionize Fashion?

Plastic bottles are legion. Whether we're using them to carry around our water or buying them out of a vending machine for a quick rush of caffeine, we go through millions of tons of these bottles every year.

Make St. Patrick’s Truly Green With These Eco-Friendly Ideas

Make St. Patrick’s Truly Green With These Eco-Friendly Ideas

Last month, we celebrated Valentine's Day with three zero-waste ideas. This month, we're tackling St.

3 Ways to Work Towards Zero Waste at the Grocery Store

3 Ways to Work Towards Zero Waste at the Grocery Store

Going zero waste is a real challenge. But like any challenge, breaking it down into smaller, more targeted categories can help you make a habit of reducing your waste footprint.

Glass: A Popular Sustainability Solution

Glass: A Popular Sustainability Solution

While plastic bottles are everywhere, there is still an interest in using glass containers to hold everything from soda to pickles. While it might seem quaint or old-fashioned (as well as more fragile than modern-day plastic containers), glass still has a lot of advantages over plastic.

Sprint tackles e-waste with The Smartphone Encore Challenge

Sprint tackles e-waste with The Smartphone Encore Challenge

Recently, Sprint launched its inaugural Smartphone Encore Challenge, which will look to college students for a new take on issues of e-waste and sustainability.  In partnership with Brightstar Corp.

Who Are The Sustainable Packaging Leaders In The Food And Beverage Industry?

Who Are The Sustainable Packaging Leaders In The Food And Beverage Industry?

On January 29, 2015, the National Resources Defence Council (NRDC) published its latest report, "Waste and Opportunity 2015: Environmental Progress and Challenges in Food, Beverage, and Consumer Goods Packaging."  Naturally, this report summarized an in-depth investigation of power players within the food service industry.