Page 15 | Recycling and Sustainability Tips


Car Batteries: A Recycling Success Story

Car Batteries: A Recycling Success Story

What do you think the most often recycled item is? Paper? Plastic? Soda cans? Well, we kind of gave it away in the title, but the most recycled item isn't something commonly found in recycle containers; it's car batteries. According to the Battery Council International over 99% of battery lead is recycled.

The Top 5 Most Recycled Items

For most of us, recycling is about the items we toss into our recycle bins: paper, plastic and aluminum. What might surprise you is the items found in these recycle bins are not, with one exception, the most recycled items across the nation.

How The 2012 Summer Olympics Will Change London Forever

How The 2012 Summer Olympics Will Change London Forever

Major public events create an enormous amount of waste and we are always interested in the creative and innovative ways organizers find to handle the refuse in an environmentally conscious manner. We've been keeping a close eye on the 2012 Summer Olympics in London because the programs being implemented there will have long-lasting positive effects on the city's ecology.

Be A Gold Medal Event Planner By Taking A Lesson From The London Olympics

Be A Gold Medal Event Planner By Taking A Lesson From The London Olympics

Sustainability and green events are a hot topic right now. Event planners can learn a lot about how to make their affairs more environmentally friendly by looking at the challenges faced and solutions found by organizers of the 2012 Olympic Games in London.

Looking For A Unique Dinner Party Idea? Host An Eco-Friendly An Outdoor Event!

If you want to surprise your guests with something different for your next dinner party, consider an eco-friendly theme and move the party outdoors! After years of hosting the same old dinner parties, adding a little fun and environmental consciousness into the mix is the perfect way to breathe new life into your event. Before you get started, the first item on the agenda is figuring out where your guests will sit.

How A Green Outdoor Seating Area Can Benefit Your Restaurant

How A Green Outdoor Seating Area Can Benefit Your Restaurant

Looking for a fresh idea to give your restaurant an edge on the competition? You're not alone! With a myriad of dining options available, originality is key to succeeding in the restaurant industry. If your establishment doesn't distinguish itself with unique food, ambience or business practices, customers will have no problem dining elsewhere.

500 Bottles: Just How Far Can One Household’s Recyclables Go?

The typical American family discards 500 bottles each and every year. An overwhelming amount of these bottles are finding their ways into landfills, rather than recycling centers.

Planting an Eco-Friendly Garden to Memorialize a Loved One

What better way to pay tribute to a loved one than to plant an eco-friendly garden in their memory? Memorial gardens are created as a long lasting tribute to a loved one who has passed, and provides a place for family and friends to gather to privately revisit fond memories or to share stories and reflections of days of the past.

Park Benches and Parkas Are Made Out Of… What?!

We're going to let you in on a little secret… That parka you own, you know, the one that hangs in your closet until the weather changes and the temperatures dip down? Yes, that very parka that you slip into and revere for it’s warm layers and waterproof abilities, may very well have been made from recycled water bottles. We know, it sounds like a wild idea -- but it's true.

The Upside of Downcycling: How Plastic Bottles Can Become Plastic Picnic Tables

We've noticed that there are a lot of misconceptions about the recycling process. Many people are apt to assume that every time they recycle a bottle or can, that it is automatically broken down and transformed into another bottle or can.