

Upcycling the Unusual into the Unexpected

Upcycling the Unusual into the Unexpected

Almost everything around you can be given unexpected new life through upcycling. In fact, part of the fun of the entire recycling concept is taking something that already exists but is perhaps no longer wanted or needed and transforming it into something quite unexpected.

3 sustainable uses of recycled plastic

3 sustainable uses of recycled plastic

At one time, plastic bottles and other materials were just tossed into America’s landfills.Nowadays, they are turned into recycled plastic products such as soft, luxurious fabrics to lumber and indoor/outdoor furniture.

Keep calm when you can’t Recycle

Keep calm when you can’t Recycle

Relax, you have many options when it comes to waste disposal & recycling! Just because something can't go into recycle containers doesn't mean it has to be garbage. Here are 6 eco-friendly alternatives that will keep you calm.

How recycling creates green jobs

How recycling creates green jobs

Recycling is an issue that is discussed, and then forgotten, only to be discussed and forgotten again. However, Forbes recently discussed how corporate America is creating sustainability in the United States through recycling efforts, at least in some states.

7 Ways To Use Less Paper

7 Ways To Use Less Paper

It is amazing how much paper our digital society uses. Paper recycling bins not only save trees but also water, oil, and energy not to mention saving room in the landfills.

More Recycle Bins are Needed in the Right Areas

More Recycle Bins are Needed in the Right Areas

Recycling is important for conserving our limited of natural resources, by re-processing used materials into new products. Used paper, glass and plastics are collected in recycle bins, sorted, cleaned and then sent to the re-manufactured and used again.

Good And Bad Facts About The Recycle Bin

Good And Bad Facts About The Recycle Bin

Recycling is good for the environment, for public health and for the economy. Unfortunately not all recycling trends are positive.

Decorating and Baking the Recycling Way

Decorating and Baking the Recycling Way

What do you think of when you hear the word recycle? Do you think about recycling bins? Aluminum cans? Plastic bottles, glass jars, and newspapers? If so, you're not alone; those are the kinds of things most people think about when they hear the word. But as we've mentioned before, recycling isn't just for common household items.

Recycling Gift Wrap;€“ Eco Friendly Alternatives & Sustainability Infographic

Recycling Gift Wrap;€“ Eco Friendly Alternatives & Sustainability Infographic

Unwrapping Gift Wrap Seeing perfectly packaged presents on birthdays, anniversaries, and around the holidays just adds an extra feeling of magic. However, all that gift wrap usually just gets tossed when the occasion is over.

Top Reasons Why You Should Use Recycling Bins

Top Reasons Why You Should Use Recycling Bins

As recycling programs become more widespread throughout Canada and the rest of the developed world, people are becoming more aware of the fact that recycling on a regular basis is important in helping the environment. However, many people still do not actively recycle because they do not understand how recycling can be beneficial, which leads them to become uninterested in participating in recycling.