

Recycling Innovations: Solar Powered Composting

Recycling Innovations: Solar Powered Composting

You may have noticed a rising interest in recycling; but what about composting? The organic trash--vegetables, fruit, coffee grounds, leaves, twigs--that humans generate each day eventually degrades when buried in a landfill. When it breaks down it produces methane, which contributes significantly to climate change.

5 Artists who live and breathe recycling

5 Artists who live and breathe recycling

Have you ever considered the potential and impact of waste created in our everyday lives? Many products today often end up as trash when they could be recycled into treasure. In fact, the repurposing of one thing into another entirely new thing is a key component in sustainable art.

How Eco-fashion is Saving Lives and the Planet

How Eco-fashion is Saving Lives and the Planet

Every business strives to turn a profit but doing so at the expense of the environment has become passe. Although introduced in 1990, eco-fashion, the design philosophy that embraces the use of sustainable materials, low impact manufacturing and social responsibility didn't gain traction until 2007.

What’s the best waste collection for yourself, your city & the environment?

What’s the best waste collection for yourself, your city & the environment?

How often do you consider the way your organics, recyclables & waste are collected? For many of us, once we have placed our items at the curb, we don't think about our containers until we bring them back empty to our homes. There are several factors to consider in deciding the best municipal waste collection for yourself, your city & the environment.

Recycled Paper Becomes Green Building Gem

Recycled Paper Becomes Green Building Gem

The paper you toss into your recycling bin could become the foundations of a home or a stylish kitchen countertop. Green building is getting a boost from paper waste.

Is Green Dining on Your Community Menu?

Is Green Dining on Your Community Menu?

When it comes to green dining, people envision a range of activities. For many, it means patronizing a restaurant that sources its food locally.

3 Pitfalls that kill Corporate Sustainability & Climate Change Initiatives

3 Pitfalls that kill Corporate Sustainability & Climate Change Initiatives

As a business owner, there are many steps you can take to ensure that yourself and your team can go green. When planning a new sustainability program for your business, there are three common hurdles effecting a successful sustainability rollout:Lack of CommunicationThe single most cited issue hindering sustainability initiatives in small and medium sized businesses is a lack of information.

Expanding the World’s View of Sustainability and Plastics Recycling

Expanding the World’s View of Sustainability and Plastics Recycling

At one time, plastic bottles and other materials were just tossed into America’s landfills. Nowadays, they are recycled into everything from soft, luxurious fabrics to lumber and indoor/outdoor furniture.

8 simple ways to green your lawn this Earth Day

8 simple ways to green your lawn this Earth Day

On April 22nd everyone starts thinking about going green, but what does that really mean? It can be so overwhelming to think about ways to be more environmentally friendly that we just put off thinking about it until another day - which never comes. One simple thing that we can do at home or at our business is reduce polluting behavior.

3 Achievable Earth Day Projects For Kids & Their Parents!

3 Achievable Earth Day Projects For Kids & Their Parents!

Earth Day takes place on April 22, 2014 and it's the perfect opportunity to teach kids about the three Rs - reuse, reduce and recycle! However, if you're a busy mom or dad who struggles with coming up with creative projects for your kids, the thought of planning something fun can fill you with dread and angst. Projects don't have to be complicated in order to be fun and educational for kids.