6 things you need to know before buying eco-fashion | Waste Wise Products

6 things you need to know before buying eco-fashion

6 Things You Need To Know When Buying Eco-Fashion

Eco-fashion is a topic that has been circling the fashion industry for decades. In fact, contrary to popular belief, its roots in fashion started long before the eco-conscious movement of the hippies in the 1960s.  Recently, the topic has been front and center again as the Green movement seems to push further into public view. In the past, eco-fashion was thought to be practical yet dull. However, with an increased awareness on environmental impact, designers have been putting a fresh face on the classic movement. 

So, what exactly constitutes as eco-fashion? There are several different ways in which a clothing line may qualify to be classified as eco-fashion. If you are in the market to purchase a few pieces, or are looking to make the switch to sustainable clothing completely, here are a six points you need to know before hitting the stores! 

Re-purposing of Textiles 

Re-purposing of textiles is the most responsible method of eco-fashion designing. In order to “upcycle”, designers are using worn materials to create new garments and silhouettes.

Raw Materials

To be considered eco-fashion, the clothing should be made of raw materials. These consist of materials such as organic cotton, which is grown using no harmful pesticides or chemicals, and silk made from worms raised strictly on organic vegetation. 

Recycled Materials 

Clothing may also use recycled materials, which includes the creative use of materials such as recycled plastics. 


Clothes designed with durability in mind also meet the criteria. Clothes that last longer stay out of trash bins, and therefore waste dumps. 

Chemical Free

When a clothing line is designed without the use of harmful chemicals, pesticides, dyes, or bleaches at any point in the process, it is considered to be eco-fashion. 

Human Rights Element

One of the biggest components of eco-fashion is the human rights element. Eco-fashion clothing needs to be made under conditions where the workers are paid a fair wage for their labors. They must have respectable and safe working conditions.

Eco-fashion has been picking up steam over the last several years and is reaching not only the savvy fashion designers but also the Do-it-yourself community. DIY-ers are reaching for their recycling bins before their shopping carts these days. If you’re not an avid DIY-er, don’t fret. There are plenty of eco-fashion lines on the market. 

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