3 Green Treats and Tricks for Halloween | Waste Wise Products

3 Green Treats and Tricks for Halloween

Halloween 3 green tricks and treats

With Halloween right around the corner, tricks and treats are on everyone’s mind. But the production of many traditional treats given away in the door-to-door tradition has harmed the planet. Plus, all the decorating and candy-fueled fun can leave a lot of waste. Instead of a traditional Halloween, why not turn the event into a sustainable, educational one? Here are two eco-friendly treats – and one green trick! – for a green Halloween.

Fair Trade Candy

Buying fair trade products are a great way to support sustainable cultures and businesses from around the world. Halloween is a great time to spread awareness to children and families about the benefits of fair trade, and how it helps promote an equitable and environmentally-friendly alternative for yummy treats. For the neighborhood children, companies like Equal Exchange are providing special offers on bulk mini-candies, complete with informative cards to pass out about Fair Trade goods. Divine, a fair trade chocolate company owned and ran by cocoa farmers. They sell chocolate mini-pieces that are a great alternative to traditional fun-sized candies, and will stand out in a sea of collected treats.

Alternative, Healthy Green Treats

Besides fair trade candy, there are many other treats that support a healthier environment and a healthier diet. Buying organic candy from brands like Endangered Species will help support and protect cleaner environments. Surf Sweets gummies are also a great brand for non-GMO treats that are vegan-friendly, soy free, and made with organic fruit. Besides traditional candies, organic chips, cookies, and bars can also be given away as a delicious snack. Look for packaging with GMO-free or organic certification as a guide for finding these green treasures.

Recyclable Packaging

With bags and bags of goodies, Halloween never fails to conjure up images of fun-size candy wrappers strewn around the house, streets or party venue. Though small, the amount of waste altogether packs a punch to the environment, all in one night. 

One remedy to this situation is to seek products with recyclable packaging. Tasting squares from Dagoba Chocolates is a great way to help support a brand that strives for zero-waste and uses recyclable packaging for its goods. Partnered with the Rainforest Alliance, your purchase will also immediately go to helping conservation efforts as well.

Of course, you can upcycle materials already in your recycling bins for Halloween costumes and decorations. From a cereal box robot to a milk jug skeleton, we have a wonderful list of suggestions to keep your holiday celebrations green.

Keep your Halloween fun and environmentally this year by keeping the pollution ghosts at bay.

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