Single Stream Recycling Saves Businesses Big Bucks | Waste Wise Products

Waste Wise Products fiberglass recycling bins are made from only the highest quality materials. They are lightweight, durable, and easily relocated. If you foresee a move in the future, consider fiberglass containers for your business and office recycling programs. Waste Wise Products offers double, triple, and quad stream designs in fiberglass.

Single Stream Recycling Saves Businesses Big Bucks

Plastic Recycling With Recycling Logo

There isn’t an industry in the world that isn’t being negatively impacted by the current economic difficulties. Revenues are down, costs are up, and everyone is trying to find ways to save. Single stream recycling containers may be just what your business has been looking for, as a way to cut costs and build a better public image.

Single stream recycling allows recyclers to throw all of their recyclable materials into the same recycling bin, increasing the likelihood of the recycling containers being used, reducing the amount of actual garbage that must be collected, transported, and disposed. The reduction in garbage expense alone can make the use of recycling bins worthwhile for an office, factory, or warehouse.

Cut Costs With Single Stream Recycling Containers

Instead of paying to have every bit of garbage collected, transported, and removed from your place of business, you can enlist the support of your local single stream recycling service to come and evaluate your current garbage flow. This evaluation will provide reliable predictions about how much money you can expect to save by installing and using recycling bins. Business managers and accountants know all too well just how expensive trash disposal has become. Single stream recycling containers can cut those costs significantly.

Recently, in Seattle, Virginia Mason Hospital implemented a major recycling effort in their facility. Within the first year, it was discovered that they had reduced their landfill contribution by 80%, at a cost savings of over $170,000. Those numbers are significant for any sized business. Instead of contributing to the problems caused by toxins in our soil and water supply, businesses that implement single stream recycling containers at their place of business are able to help themselves financially, while helping the world environmentally. Clearly, it is a win-win situation.

What makes single stream recycling better?

What Makes Single Stream Recycling Bins Better?

The biggest problem with recycling programs in the past has been insufficient participation and contamination. Single stream recycling bins increase the level of convenience by allowing participants to use a single recycling container for all of their recyclable materials. Instead of making room for separate recycling containers for glass, paper, plastic and metal, only a single container is needed, thereby increasing participation rates and reducing garbage expenses.

In addition to the added convenience, modern recycling service companies are able to provide your business with recycling containers that are specifically designed for your location in a variety of colors and sizes. Company logos can be added to your recycling containers, reminding customers of your civic-mindedness.

Healthy, Wealthy And Wise

Implementing single stream recycling containers at your pace of business is a great way to improve the health of our planet, to cut your garbage disposal costs significantly and to portray your firm as caring and conscientious to customers and potential customers alike. Your bottom line will improve as a result of increased goodwill and reduced costs, providing a wider profit margin in a day and age when many firms are struggling to stay afloat.

Recycle With Style - High End Recycling Bins - Shop Now
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