The Easiest Way To Increase Employee Recycling

If you are like many business owners, you probably take sustainability at the office pretty seriously. After all, you might have a personal interest in recycling, and you might also worry about public perception of your company.

You may have already taken steps to improve recycling within the business, but one thing that you might be struggling with is encouraging your employees to recycle while they are at work. Even just a handful of employees who aren’t dedicated to recycling can really increase the amount of waste in the office, but there is one simple solution that can make a big difference — adding extra recycling bins.

The truth is that if it’s easier for your employees to recycle, they will be more likely to do it. If all that is available is a garbage can, it’s more likely that things will go into the garbage that shouldn’t.

This means that you should consider adding extra recycling bins to the cafeteria or break room, making it easy for employees to discard of aluminum cans, plastic bottles and more. Adding paper waste bins throughout the office will help encourage employees to toss paper waste into these bins rather than in the trash can. It’s an affordable, easy and effective method of improving the amount of recycling that is done in your office.

Luckily, if you work with the right recycling company, it will be easy for you to make this change. In no time, you are sure to notice a big difference in the recycling that is done in your office.