Start a school recycling program | Waste Wise Products

Start a school recycling program

Start a school recycling program

Recycling is an excellent way of helping to build a more sustainable future. Instead of winding up in a landfill, some products can find a new use through recycling. The key to recycling is getting in the habit of doing it. If we learn about the importance of recycling early on, it is easy to become a lifetime recycler. Starting a recycling program at your school can build the foundation for a more sustainable earth. You can encourage students to take part in it. They’ll be surprised to see how fun it could be.

Building a Team

Advertise around the school that you’re starting a recycling program at your school. Tell them that they will need a “team” to lead the program. Meet with the students and invite them to volunteer for the team. Once you have your volunteers, sit down with them and brainstorm. Today’s youth are much more knowledgeable than the credit we give them. Exchange ideas and come up with a plan for this program.

Build a repour with the maintenance staff

Getting students and teachers involved in the program is excellent, but your most essential team members are the maintenance staff. They will be the ones who will have to carry out the plan. Meet with your maintenance staff to work out a plan. They can advise you of what ideas are feasible and what ones are not. Creating a dialogue with them can help your program run smoothly and efficiently.

Promote the program

Your recycling program will never take off if people don’t know about it. You can print out flyers to decorate the hallways with, but that should not be your only course of action. In this digital age, online promotion is a must. Utilize your school’s social media pages to inform not only students but parents and the community too.


Schools are used for education, making this step a slam dunk. Make sure to educate everyone on the process. If students are ill-informed, your recycling program may do more harm than good. Advise students and adults of what is and what is not recyclable. If everyone knows the exact parameters of the program, it can be a glowing success.

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