3 Ways To Educate The Importance Of Recycling
Canada’s got a reputation for being a nation of nature-lovers that treasure the environment, which is no real surprise; we’ve got a lot of natural environment to love! So it’s also not all that unexpected that, as a country, we’ve also taken steps in our urban centres to try and reduce the amount of unrecoverable garbage that we put into landfills, and recycle what we can. In theory, most people like the idea of recycling.

How Much Energy Does Recycling One Aluminum Can Save?
Recycling bins are everywhere. We see them on the street, in the office, and for many of us, they’re sitting in the garage just waiting to be taken out on trash day.

5 Ways To Pest Proof Your Waste Receptacles
Summer is a season that means busy times and boosted profits for some businesses, especially in the retail, tourist, and food & beverage industries. But the arrival of summer also brings with it some extra considerations.

6 Ways To Improve Your Organic Food Waste Recycling
Recycling organic waste means recycling food waste to help limit the effects on the environment that are felt by putting food in landfills. Food can be recycled as organic waste rather than ending up in landfills, which is much "friendlier" to the environment than dumping the waste into landfills.

5 Reasons Recycling is Not a Part Of Your Office Culture
You know that recycling is important--and chances are, your company recognizes it, too. Unfortunately, getting started with a great recycling program can be time-consuming and frustrating.

How Color & Imagery Can Boost Your Recycling Efforts
A key component to starting up an effective recycling program is to connect the recycling effort to the people who are going to participate in the program in a way to which they can relate to. For example, if you are starting a recycling program for your business, using the business logo on the recycling receptacles can help employees feel a connection to recycling to help their company.

How To Run A Successful College Campus Recycling Program
A successful college or university campus recycling program depends upon the entire process being profitable to the remanufacturer that is organizing the recycling effort. The benefits of a good recycling program, however, are evident including removing waste from landfills as well as providing a new market for the recyclable materials to be made into new products.

7 Things That Contaminate Your Recycling Bins
Recycling is something that everyone should do, as we all know, but many of us don't because the sorting of all that waste can be time-consuming as you try to figure out what is supposed to go where. Even those of us who do make the effort can sometimes still get confused.

How To Turn Your Campus Dining Hall into a Zero Waste Facility
College campuses across the country are beginning to emphasize the importance of sustainability to their students. However, for universities and sustainability, leading by example is a much more effective way to create change! Taking steps to move towards a zero waste cafeteria is a great first step in the journey to sustainability.

7 Practical Things You Didn’t Know You Should Recycle
Even today's environmentalists agree that keeping up with the many advances in recycling technology is challenging. Because of that, it's difficult to know what can and can't go in your recycling bins, at home or in the office.