How to Increase the Awareness of Recycling Waste in High Schools
High schools produce large amounts of waste with used electronics, instructional materials, and food. It is estimated that 24% of waste from high schools is from recyclable paper, while 50% is from non-recyclable paper and food.

Is There An Argument for Single vs. Dual Garbage Cans?
Do your clients comment on your overflowing garbage cans during meetings? Do your co-workers often leave cluttered waste at their desks? You might not know it yet, but these observations can impact your bottom line. Prospective clients who are put off by your facility’s lack of cleanliness may choose not to continue business due to your lack of professional atmosphere, which they believe may carry into your dealings.

Recycle Bins and The Environment: What is the Impact?
Recycling is vital as we increase the waste we produce every day.It may be inconvenient for you to put in the extra effort; however, recycling for the environment is necessary if you want to have a positive impact on this world.

What Happens When You Recycle?
We've all heard the mantra 'reuse, reduce, recycle', but how many of us actually know what that means? Around 75% of all waste in the US is recyclable, yet only 30% actually gets recycled. The 70% that is not recycled then gets sent to a landfill to degrade over time, or it is sent to be incinerated.

Does Prominent Placement of Recycling Bins Make a Difference?
Anyone who has ever come in contact with the real estate industry is probably familiar with this famous mantra: Location, location, location. In a nutshell, location, location, location means identical homes can increase or decrease in value due to location.

How You, as a Consumer, Can Move Society Towards a Circular Economy
Consumers face an uphill battle with reduction of waste - you need to make purchases, you don't have time to research every detail, and new products are often produced irresponsibly and covered in unnecessary and wasteful packaging.How can you - the consumer - help move us to a circular economy? There are small steps and extreme steps, but it's doable on some level for all of us.

How you can help mold the Circular Economy
What Is A Circular Economy?First, let's look at how most of our economy works now:Natural resources are made into products to sell and use.Materials created in the manufacture of the products are discarded into landfills.

Five Items You Didn’t Know You Could Recycle
There is nothing more annoying than arriving at your favorite place in nature to find a piece of rubbish discarded on the ground. "What kind of ignorant person could do that?", you think to yourself.

4 Qualities To Look For In Outdoor Waste Receptacles
The proper outdoor waste receptacle is a blessing for maintenance managers and commercial buildings in addition to apartment buildings. They keep surroundings inviting while discouraging pesky critters and bad weather from spoiling your party, presenting a comfortable area for anyone to feel welcome in.

How To Get Grant Funding For A New Recycling Initiative
Ready for the next great recycling leap forward? Competitive grant funding opportunities for recycling initiatives, as well as initiatives that involve environmental stewardship and critical environmental needs, are available from a number of sources.California has an active grant and low-interest loan program through CalRecycle, the Department of Resource Recycling and Recovery.