5 Ways Hospitals Can Reduce Food Waste
Decreasing food waste can be of huge benefit to hospitals and their surrounding communities. When hospitals tackle their food waste problem, the potential benefits include lower costs, increased patient satisfaction, and less food insecurity in their community.

10 Ways to Get High School Kids Into Recycling
Children are our future, so it makes sense to try and get them as environmentally conscious as we can as early as possible. Here is a list of 10 recycling ideas for high school kids' projects to get children to become engaged in recycling.

3 Tips for Improving Recycling at Airports
From security restrictions to a wide range of visitors, airports represent some unique challenges to be addressed when thinking of waste management. When we think of recycling programs, we usually think of schools, restaurants, and other places where we expect to see a large amount of waste.

3 Ways to Get Kids Excited About Recycling
Recycling is becoming an increasingly pressing issue. As such, it is becoming more and more important to not only take steps now to recycle but also to start making it a priority to teach children to do the same.

How Universities Can Start Composting
Composting is one of the original methods of sustainable living, even before sustainability became as popular and essential as it has in the last decade. Yet it is still one that most people do not take advantage of.

5 Tips for Hospital Recycling Programs
Waste pollution is a global issue that has degraded our surroundings. Organizations such as hospitals emit hazardous wastes that ought to be managed safely.

6 Tips to Improve Your University’s Recycling Program
Students, faculty, and staff may have already embraced your university's recycling program. However, you can still take steps to increase waste diversion and stakeholder engagement.

How Airports Can Improve Their Recycling Programs
Every airport could increase the volume of waste it diverts from landfills. Therefore, an airport recycling program always has room for improvement.

Challenges and Opportunities in Rare Earth Metals Recycling
Rare earth metals are essential in research, development, and manufacturing of new consumer and industrial electronics, including several critical uses in alternative energy infrastructure such as wind turbines, electric cars, and nuclear reactor rods. Rare earth metals are metal compounds found as ore in the earth's crust that has specific chemical, magnetic, and electronic properties.

5 Questions To Ask Before Buying A Commercial Garbage Bin
Has your facility previously purchased garbage bins on a whim with minimal budget? Before panic sets in and the dread for procurement approval begins, you’ll need to ask yourself these five questions to ensure the same mistakes aren’t made twice. 1.