Can You Recycle Styrofoam? - What You Can and Can't Recycle

Can You Recycle Styrofoam? And 5 Other Questions Answered!

Can You Recycle Styrofoam? And 5 Other Questions Answered!

You want to do your part to take care of your waste responsibly but it can be challenging to figure out what you can and can’t recycle. Let’s take a look at your most frequently asked questions including can you recycle Styrofoam and many more!

Can You Recycle Styrofoam?

The short answer to can you recycle Styrofoam is technically yes, but in actual practice, do you recycle Styrofoam, no. Though it’s technically possible to put it in your recycling bin and have it be picked up, almost all waste management companies will separate it from other recyclables and put it in the waste collection instead. On average, it costs more for waste management companies to go through the process of recycling the material than it costs to simply make new Styrofoam.

If your concern is making the most of your area’s recycling program then can you recycle Styrofoam isn’t the relevant question. The relevant question is whether or not you should, and it is clear that you shouldn’t.

Can You Recycle Pizza Boxes?

It seems that pizza boxes are practically made for recycling, but in reality, can you recycle them? No, they can’t be recycled. Why? Because no matter how well you clean them, oil and they’re covered in food and grease. A heat and water process is used for most recycling needs and it can handle both plastic and glass fine – but when you add oil-soaked cardboard to the mix you’ve got a mess.

Can You Recycle the Lids on Plastic Bottles?

The lids you find on plastic soda, juice and other bottles commonly make it into the recycling bin, but surprisingly only some local / municipal recycling programs accept them. Many people assume that if a plastic bottle can be recycled its lid must be recyclable too, but the truth is that plastic bottle caps are much less valuable than the plastic bottles they’re used on. Because of this, make sure to check your city’s waste management website for local recycling specifications.

Can Juice Boxes Be Recycled?

Some juice box manufacturers design their boxes specifically to be recyclable. However, if your box doesn’t say that it is recyclable then you have no choice but to throw it away. The plastic coating used on many boxes leaves them unsuitable for recycling.

Can You Recycle Wire Hangers?

Wire hangers are an item that reasonably seems recyclable, but again their fate is up for debate with local recycling programs; some city’s will accept them and some won’t, so it’s important to double check with your local waste representatives. If you’re in an area where the recycling program won’t accept them, consider taking them to a local dry cleaner. Many dry cleaning companies have partnerships with hanger companies and will be able to sell them back or have them reused.

Can You Recycle Colored Paper?

If your paper has been heavily dyed then it likely can’t be recycled. Remember that paper is often recycled via heat-treatment. If something that’s been heavily dyed is included then it’ll have the same effect on the batch as it does when a red sock or dark blue t-shirt goes through the wash with your whites. If you’re recycling paper or paper products that have been heavily dyed, make sure to double check with the waste company that these materials won’t cause an interference.

You may have started out wondering if you can recycle Styrofoam but now you have answers to all of your most frequently asked questions about what can go in your recycling bin! To learn more about what you do and don’t recycle, recycling programs or how to best implement one in your office, contact us at Waste Wise Products today!

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