With spring finally here, it’s time for a thorough house cleaning. Many of us start throwing away or recycling various items, while conducting a deep cleanse with various cleaning products. But before you start throwing out everything you own, here’s a few tips to green your spring cleaning event.
1. Break out natural cleaning solutions.
Switch out traditional cleaning products and go green with your own natural cleaners. For wiping down counters and surfaces, a simple solution of water and vinegar in a spray bottle will disinfect and clean many materials, even glass. You can even add a few drops of your favorite essential oil (such as tea tree, lemon, or lavender), which will leave a light, clean scent.
For a deep cleaning of carpets and rugs, you can still use a safer, chemical-free solution. This recipe of borax, salt, and white vinegar at Apartment Therapy will lift all types of stains and make your carpets look brighter.
2. Go through a plastic purge.
Many of us are burdened with plastic take-out containers in kitchen drawers or cabinets. Your annual spring clean is a great time to recycle these cheap, plastic containers and switch them out for glass. You can also pare down on plastic by switching to glass jars and containers to store pantry items, such as grains or cereals. By getting rid of the plastic, you’ll have more space and a greener home.
3. Donate or upcycle old clothes.
As you pack away your winter clothes, you’ll easily find some items that do not fit anymore or ones you simply don’t like. The best way to get rid of clothing is to ask yourself, “When was the last time I wore this?” You’ll easily weed out your favorites and the ones that are ready to go.
For clothes that are in decent condition, you should donate them. Many donation centers offer pick-up services for your clothing, so give them a call a week in advance: this will encourage you to get this spring cleaning task done.
4. Go paper-free!
If you want to save yourself some time (and money) next year sorting through old paper files and records, now is a good time to go paper-free. This will make your recycling easier to manage, and easier to secure sensitive records.
Overall, your spring cleaning ritual will help make your home cleaner and greener.