The Eco Gym Takes Corporate Social Responsibility To The Next Level | Waste Wise Products

The Eco Gym Takes Corporate Social Responsibility To The Next Level

The Eco Gym Takes Corporate Social Responsibility To The Next Level

Perhaps the most common new year’s resolution is to lose weight and get in shape. A lot of people try hard to follow through on that resolution, too, but find that after a few weeks, or at most a few months, that they just stop going to the gym. They may not cancel their membership until the end of the year, but they stop showing up. After all, it costs the same whether they go, or don’t go.

But what if it didn’t? What if the more you used a gym, the less it cost you to be a member? That’s how it works at the Eco Gym, a facility that is doing something truly unique with all the energy its members are expending.

A New Type of Corporate Social Responsibility

What makes the Eco Gym so unusual, according to Patch, is that it is more than just another place to work out. The equipment it provides is specifically meant to harness all the calories being burned to generate electricity. That means the club reduces its overhead and reduces the amount of fossil fuels being burned to supply it with power. Those savings are passed on directly to members, and members who come and work out more are going to see a bigger savings due to the gym’s biometric tracking.

You save money the more you go, and the more you go, the better the results you’re likely to see. Not only that, but you know that every calorie you burn is being deployed in the service of a cleaner, greener cause. Nothing is being wasted, so in addition to watching the pounds melt away, you know that your energy is being spent in the fight against global warming.

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