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Programs & Initatives

Boeing pursues recycling innovations with aircraft parts

Boeing pursues recycling innovations with aircraft parts

When an airliner reaches the end of its operational life, the practice has been to park it on an aircraft junk yard, also called a bone yard or grave yard, where they are eventually turned into aircraft scrap metal. However, according to the Seattle Times, the Boeing Company, one of the world’s largest aircraft manufacturers, is looking at aerospace sustainability initiatives to reuse parts of old airliners in house once they have been retired from service.

Recycle using reverse vending machines

Recycle using reverse vending machines

One way to recycle involves the use of reverse vending machines. The incentive for most people to recycle is to appeal to their sense of public spirit and concern for the environment.

Why is Houston ending curbside recycling?

Why is Houston ending curbside recycling?

According to National Public Radio, Houston is working on a plan to abolish separate recycling bins entirely, thus ending curbside recycling. The idea is that residents and business owners would pile their recyclables and their trash into a single bin.

The Chicken before The Egg? Food Waste Recycling & Supply

The Chicken before The Egg? Food Waste Recycling & Supply

According to the Wall Street Journal, the latest craze in recycling throughout a number of states is an attempt to divert food waste from landfills and instead turn it into fertilizer or burn it for electricity. Americans threw out 38 million tons of food scraps in 2012, 95 percent of which went into landfills.

3 factors that reduce emissions & grow sustainable recycling

3 factors that reduce emissions & grow sustainable recycling

A recently released report on US post-consumer plastics shows the recycling rate for PET bottles is now greater than 30%. This great news is a result of 3 factors that contribute to a reduction in national emissions & a sustainable supply chain.

Four Questions You Need To Answer Before Setting Up Recycling Bins In A School

Four Questions You Need To Answer Before Setting Up Recycling Bins In A School

Starting a recycling program in a school is an excellent way to help keep the local environment clean and teach students stewardship of their planet and community. However, starting a program in a larger school requires a good deal of planning and forethought in order to implement successfully.

How to get recycling grants with Coca-Cola

How to get recycling grants with Coca-Cola

The Coca-Cola: Keep America Beautiful Recycling Bin Grant program offers two types of grants. The Public Space Bin Grant is offered to non-profit organizations such as churches, government agencies, and schools.

Recycling For Charity

Recycling For Charity

The benefits of recycling are well documented but that doesn't mean you can't find a way to do even more good by recycling for a cause. It's certainly easy and responsible to put materials into curbside containers for recycling but if you look around you can find charities in your area that are recycling items to help people in need.

Recycle Bins and Collaborations are Popping up Everywhere

Recycle Bins and Collaborations are Popping up Everywhere

We noticed a great article about recycle bins collaboration recently. This is something that is taking place literally on the other side of the world, and we thought we would share it as a sign of the recycling progress being made all around the globe.

Geographical Trends In Recycling

Geographical Trends In Recycling

Recycling is often reported in national figures but there are strong differences in each region of the country that can be caused by cultural attitudes towards recycling containers, money available for recycling programs, and local population density. A report entitled "Municipal Waste in the United States: 2011 Facts and Figures" published by the U.