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Programs & Initatives

It’s not the Oscars, but the Plastic Recycling Awards showcase innovation for a better future.

It’s not the Oscars, but the Plastic Recycling Awards showcase innovation for a better future.

And the award goes to..

Zero Waste In Sports: If The Yankees Can Do It So Can You!

Zero Waste In Sports: If The Yankees Can Do It So Can You!

Did you know that sports fans in Canada and the United States will produce more than 20 million cubic feet of refuse this year? Bottles, cups, utensils, food waste, paper goods -- it all has to go somewhere and most big-league and college sport venues are now working to incorporate green solutions. Many stadiums have been trying to encourage the use of recycling bins and composting for years, but still had large waste issues.

Senate considering bill to facilitate carbon fiber recycling

Senate considering bill to facilitate carbon fiber recycling

Carbon fiber is a relatively new material. However, according to a story in Waste360, the United States Senate is considering a bill that would fund a project to study the technology and economics of recycling carbon fiber.

Why more cities should consider recycling cigarette butts

Why more cities should consider recycling cigarette butts

There is nothing quite as nasty as cigarette butts lying about where smokers flick them after getting their nicotine fix, even in these times when smoking has become socially unacceptable. With that problem in mind, the city of New Orleans recently launched a cigarette butt recycling effort, similar to one already in operation in Canada, according to the Huffington Post.

Can automatic recycling remove waste without contamination?

Can automatic recycling remove waste without contamination?

One of the inconvenient truths about recycling is that it is a labor-intensive operation. Homeowners have to separate their recycled trash from their regular trash.

United Nations Social Good Summit Promotes Corporate Social Responsibility

United Nations Social Good Summit Promotes Corporate Social Responsibility

If you have a business that actively promotes social good, you know that small changes can have a large and lasting impact. As your company incorporates positive societal change into your enterprise, it helps to know what major problems the world is facing.

Ikea has a recycling innovation for its catalog

Ikea has a recycling innovation for its catalog

Catalogs have to be among the most recycled items on Earth. Even in this era of email and texting, dead tree catalogs clog mailboxes, advertising everything from designer clothes to gourmet food.

Recycling Ocean Plastic with the The Ocean Cleanup

Recycling Ocean Plastic with the The Ocean Cleanup

Last month, the young environmentalist Boyan Slat announced that his non-profit, The Ocean Cleanup, will deploy their 2000-meter boom system to collect plastic waste in the Great Pacific Garbage Patch in 2016.This large system will be the first system of its size to be deployed in the ocean for plastic removal.

Mission Foods finds reusable plastic shipping boxes saves both money and the environment

Mission Foods finds reusable plastic shipping boxes saves both money and the environment

Recycling and environmental benefits can also come with cost savings if you do it right. When you think of recycling, you usually think of it in terms of piling all of your recyclables such as cardboard, paper, plastic, and metal into a cart or a bin and having it shipped off to the city plant for processing.

Why recycling sand is good for the environment and business

Why recycling sand is good for the environment and business

Every winter in North Texas, highway authorities spread sand across highways in order to improve traction when the temperature goes below freezing causing slippery conditions, according to the Fort Worth Star Telegram. Every spring, the authorities sweep up the sand, which by then has become mixed with trash the people tend to pitch by the side of the road, and then pay dearly for having it deposited in a landfill.