3 Reasons Recycling at Beaumont Hospital Royal Oak is a Success | Waste Wise Products

3 Reasons Recycling at Beaumont Hospital Royal Oak is a Success

3 Reasons Recycling at Beaumont Hospital Royal Oak is a Success

Numbers reflect the success of the recycling program at Beaumont Hospital Royal Oak in Michigan. The institution recycles 3.4 million pounds of waste each year. Also, the recycling program decreases the hospital’s landfill costs by $80,000 annually. Perhaps best of all, the recycling program actually makes money since the hospital receives $53,000 in annual rebates. Here are the top things that made this recycling program a success.

The Hospital Has a Green Culture

Recycling is a major component of the overall green culture the hospital’s leaders have worked hard to foster at Beaumont Hospital Royal Oak. Other green initiatives include converting the hospital to LED lighting and installing water-saving plumbing fixtures. While leadership is at the forefront, there’s evidence that employees at all levels have bought into the hospital’s green culture. In addition to the widespread support for recycling, many employees bike or carpool to work. Employees also sell recycled electronics to raise money for children to receive speech therapy.

Hospital Executives Provide Green Leadership

Twenty hospital executives are on a committee called the Green Team. The committee’s charge is to increase the institution’s green efforts and provide leadership to employees who have been trained as Green Officers. In 2016, the Green Team commissioned a study to look at the effectiveness of the Green Officers program as it relates to recycling.

Hundreds of Frontline Employees are Green Officers

In 2011, the hospital started the Green Officer training program for frontline employees in departments throughout the hospital. The training emphasizes accurate recycling procedures. Looking for ways to increase recycling in their respective areas is a big part of the Green Officer role. These employees are expected to serve as role models for their colleagues. The 2016 study found Green Officers were more knowledgeable of what can be recycled at the hospital than other employees. The research also found Green Officers recycled more frequently than their non-Green Officer peers.

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