Picnic Tables Options For Wheelchairs | Waste Wise Products

Picnic Tables Options For Wheelchairs

You have a host of options when buying recycled plastic picnic tables from Waste Wise Products, and we don’t just mean size and shape. We have a number of tables designed to seat people in wheelchairs.

A Growing Awareness Of Accommodation

Waste Wise is a Canadian company and, although Canada doesn’t have a national disability policy, each province does have laws governing accommodation of people with special needs. In addition we have many customers in the U.S. who must follow laws such as the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. However there are reasons to offer wheelchair seating at picnic tables other than legal ones.

Do you really want to put up barriers to potential customers or visitors? If you are a business then you are needlessly restricting your customer base. If you are a non-profit organization or event planner then you are still limiting the people you can reach. Recycled plastic picnic tables with wheelchair access are inexpensive solutions to your seating needs.

Waste Wise Picnic Tables

In a restaurant a person in a wheelchair user can join the rest of the dining group by simply removing a chair from the table. Outdoor events that use card tables or similar surfaces with separate chairs work as well. Unfortunately you can’t do that with picnic tables since the benches are attached to the surfaces.

One option with any of our rectangular recycled plastic picnic tables is to seat the person in the wheelchair at the end of the table. There is no bench there to get in the way so the wheelchair can get close to the table. This is a great solution when using products such as our ADA-compliant Commons Picnic Table in facilities with the occasional wheelchair visitor.

Wheelchair-Accessible Tables

We also offer a series of picnic tables designed specifically to provide spaces for wheelchair users. The Plaza Handicap Picnic Table is one of several hexagonal tables designed with a missing bench to allow wheelchair access. You can use a standard chair at that location if nobody with a wheelchair needs the space.

For those of you who prefer the traditional rectangular tables we have both single and double access recycled plastic picnic tables such as the Standard Double Handicap Access Picnic Table. The ends extend out a foot or so to allow wheelchair users to scoot their chairs under the table farther than they can at traditional tables. The blue-painted ends mark these as handicapped-accessible seating.

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