Park Benches and Parkas Are Made Out Of… What?! | Waste Wise Products

Park Benches and Parkas Are Made Out Of… What?!

We’re going to let you in on a little secret… That parka you own, you know, the one that hangs in your closet until the weather changes and the temperatures dip down? Yes, that very parka that you slip into and revere for it’s warm layers and waterproof abilities, may very well have been made from recycled water bottles.

We know, it sounds like a wild idea — but it’s true. Many items that we own have been made out of recycled products that we wouldn’t even fathom. So your favorite parka may actually be made out of the exact same materials as park benches. Obviously these items are made using entirely different methods, but the process of recycling, or rather, downcycling, remains the same.

Interesting Items Made Out Of Discarded Plastic

Parkas and park benches aren’t the only items that have been made from plastic water bottles. The carpet you’re standing on, the jacket you’re wearing and even your sleeping bag could have been made using downcycled plastic drinking containers. Plastic water bottles can also be transformed into basic shower curtains or even upscale purses and handbags.

Other types of plastics, most commonly used for larger beverage containers and household cleaners, often become outdoor play and leisure equipment. Playgrounds, picnic tables, park benches, frisbees – They’re all made using old plastic containers.

Plastic bags can be regenerated to become composite lumber, which is a strong and durable building material. Likewise, plastic bags are also being regenerated into building materials for children, in the form of building blocks.

Making Pedals Out Of Metals

All metal cans, with the exception being aluminum, are downcycled and transformed into sturdy transportation devices and building materials. Metal cans are oftentimes used to create parts for bicycles, motorcycles and vehicles. Contrary to their mobile counterparts, metal cans can also be melted down and remanufactured into stationary building supports such as steel beams and rebar.

Pushing Paper Has Never Been So Interesting

Paper, in it’s versatile nature, has the ability to be recycled as well as downcycled. Paper can always be recycled to create new paper, although the quality of the paper lessens with each round of recycling it endures.

Instead of creating an endless supply of cheap paper, many of these wasted pages become something just as useful. Common household supplies such as paper towels, tissues, toilet paper and napkins all share their common creator: Notebook and computer paper.

Another type of paper that is just as common as the type referenced above is newspaper. These daily bundles are discarded as fast as they are created. So what happens to them after they have filled a recycling bin? Well, they can be transformed into convenient carrying cases such as egg cartons and berry boxes. In addition to the items that you find at your local grocery store, you may very well find more interesting uses for discarded newspapers at your local hardware store. Recycled newspapers can also be used to create building materials such as sheetrock and countertops.

The possibilities for taking used, discarded items and turning them into something that is useful benefits consumers and the environment.

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