Page 80 | Recycling and Sustainability Tips

The Waste Wise Blog

The Top 5 Most Recycled Items

For most of us, recycling is about the items we toss into our recycle bins: paper, plastic and aluminum. What might surprise you is the items found in these recycle bins are not, with one exception, the most recycled items across the nation.

Think Twice Before Recycling That Plastic

Recycling plastic keeps dangerous chemicals out of the environment, reduces our need for fossil fuels and saves energy used in plastic production. So is there a reason you would not want to throw plastic in a recycle container? Actually yes.

Use Additional Recycling Containers To Encourage Greater Recycling Participation Among Employees

Are you becoming discouraged by all of the recyclable materials that are being thrown in the trash every day by your employees? The answer to this problem may be simpler than you realize: Add more recycling containers to your workplace! More bins for recycling can A) remind employees that your workplace has a recycling program and B) make it easier for employees to participate, depending on where the recycling containers are placed.

How The 2012 Summer Olympics Will Change London Forever

How The 2012 Summer Olympics Will Change London Forever

Major public events create an enormous amount of waste and we are always interested in the creative and innovative ways organizers find to handle the refuse in an environmentally conscious manner. We've been keeping a close eye on the 2012 Summer Olympics in London because the programs being implemented there will have long-lasting positive effects on the city's ecology.

Be A Gold Medal Event Planner By Taking A Lesson From The London Olympics

Be A Gold Medal Event Planner By Taking A Lesson From The London Olympics

Sustainability and green events are a hot topic right now. Event planners can learn a lot about how to make their affairs more environmentally friendly by looking at the challenges faced and solutions found by organizers of the 2012 Olympic Games in London.

Eco-Friendly Plastic Picnic Benches Have Many Advantages Over Wood

Eco-Friendly Plastic Picnic Benches Have Many Advantages Over Wood

Many environmentally conscious consumers associate anything plastic with environmental ills. It is derived from petroleum, which sometimes requires unpopular extraction techniques and always requires chemical processes to produce the plastics.

Recycled Park Benches: An Economical Way To Breathe New Life Into Area Parks

Over the past few decades, entertainment options for families have become more far-reaching and technologically-advanced than ever before. Between digital television, DVRs, video games and smartphones, it would seem there isn't much time left for anything else! But one treasured pastime that has stood the test of time still remains -- spending time at the local park.

How To Create A Green Outdoor Break Area With Recycled Park Benches

As an employer, there's nothing more frustrating than a workplace that lacks energy. If you've ever walked through the office on a Monday afternoon, greeted by forced smiles and an overwhelming feeling that everything is moving in slow motion, you may be looking for new and inventive ways to increase productivity.

Reinventing Downtown Shopping Areas: How Park Benches Can Help Strengthen The Local Economy

There was a time, not so long ago, when the economy was booming and most people didn't give a second thought to leisurely spending a day shopping, dining and exploring. Downtown entertainment districts were generally packed, money was being spent, and good times were had by many! From casual, friendly small-town shops and restaurants to urban hotspots showcasing the latest dining and fashion trends, business was on the rise.

Building Stronger Communities and Home Values Through Development of Common Areas