Page 8 | Recycling and Sustainability Tips

The Waste Wise Blog

Lithuania Introduces Plastic Recycling Deposit Scheme, and Within 3 Years, There’s a 93 Percent Recycling Rate!

Lithuania Introduces Plastic Recycling Deposit Scheme, and Within 3 Years, There’s a 93 Percent Recycling Rate!

With all of the plastic waste choking the rivers and oceans, more and more nations are trying to find ways to reduce plastic waste in the first place, in addition to cleaning up patches of garbage. And according to Enviro30, Lithuania is the latest country to put a plastic recycling deposit scheme into effect that's generating massive results.

How to Make Air Travel More Sustainable

How to Make Air Travel More Sustainable

Air transit is one of the most popular methods of travel utilized in the modern working world. Billions of passengers utilize air transit each year.

Three Questions To Ask During Your First Sustainability Audit

Three Questions To Ask During Your First Sustainability Audit

Sustainability audit? Yup. We promise this won't hurt.

80% of Halifax Municipal Waste Being Turned Into Plastic Lumber

80% of Halifax Municipal Waste Being Turned Into Plastic Lumber

The world is dealing with a serious crisis over plastic. Because while it's wormed its way into nearly every aspect of our lives, and it is technically recyclable, plastic is clogging our rivers, saturating our oceans, and filling up our waste dumps.

A New Approach to Design: Architects Tackle Sustainability

A New Approach to Design: Architects Tackle Sustainability

Architects play an essential role in designing buildings that tackle sustainability. Through well-thought-out strategies and buy-in from important players, these initiatives can make a big difference in helping shrink the environmental footprint during the construction and lifetime of a building.

7 Hot Tips for Recycling at Winter Resorts

7 Hot Tips for Recycling at Winter Resorts

As ski resorts are busy adjusting to climate change like the rest of us, they're reckoning with another challenge: staying relevant. Skiing, snowboarding, and tubing (and the growing list of other snow sports) are highly niche aspects of the hospitality industry.

Easy Ways To Cut Food Waste Inside Restaurant Kitchens

Easy Ways To Cut Food Waste Inside Restaurant Kitchens

There are several ways hotel restaurants cut down on food waste, including reducing the size of the portions, stop offering free bread and butter, and using technology to monitor food waste for the kitchen staff. Stop offering free bread and butter The Red Tavern, located at the Kimpton Hotel Monaco in Portland, decided to reduce the amount of waste serving bread and butter.

A Finnish Company Plans To Produce Protein Powder From Green Energy and CO2

A Finnish Company Plans To Produce Protein Powder From Green Energy and CO2

If you've turned on the news at all in the past decade or so, then you've no doubt seen that we have a serious issue with carbon dioxide. CO2 is one of the most common greenhouse gases responsible for climate change, and while we can all admit these emissions are a problem, too many of us seem reluctant to do something about it.

Connecting Customers and Companies to Combat Food Waste

Connecting Customers and Companies to Combat Food Waste

Developing an app that helps to cut down on food waste is actually the second business enterprise that Danish entrepreneur Mette Lykke has undertaken after leaving a big consulting firm in 2007. Her first endeavor was a sports training app that she and her partners developed under the brand label Endomondo.

Gamify Recycling: 3 Fun Ways To Increase Employee Participation

Gamify Recycling: 3 Fun Ways To Increase Employee Participation

As more companies realize the financial benefits to recycling rather than the environmental ones alone, the number of companies with recycling programs continues to climb. Since savings and profits depend largely on the amount you recycle, many offices are trying to find new, effective and fun ways to recycle.