Page 69 | Recycling and Sustainability Tips

The Waste Wise Blog

10 Tips for a Greener 4th of July

10 Tips for a Greener 4th of July

On summer holidays like the 4th of July, family celebrations go on automatic pilot. We hit the grocery store for steak and hot dogs to grill in the backyard.

How to Recycle in a Business: Tips and Benefits

How to Recycle in a Business: Tips and Benefits

If you want to start a corporate waste reduction program and learn the benefits of recycling, then here are some things you need to know.How to Recycle TipsFirst of all, you'll need recycling bins before you can even begin thinking of where and how you'll recycle the actual waste.

Cleaning Up The World Cup

Cleaning Up The World Cup

As fans cheer at the 2014 World Cup amid shouts of "Futebol," a mixed undercurrent of waste and sustainability issues is vividly present. Early on in the planning of the 2014 World Cup, discussions took place about how to make the event more environmentally friendly.

The Chicken before The Egg? Food Waste Recycling & Supply

The Chicken before The Egg? Food Waste Recycling & Supply

According to the Wall Street Journal, the latest craze in recycling throughout a number of states is an attempt to divert food waste from landfills and instead turn it into fertilizer or burn it for electricity. Americans threw out 38 million tons of food scraps in 2012, 95 percent of which went into landfills.

Recycling Innovations: Solar Powered Composting

Recycling Innovations: Solar Powered Composting

You may have noticed a rising interest in recycling; but what about composting? The organic trash--vegetables, fruit, coffee grounds, leaves, twigs--that humans generate each day eventually degrades when buried in a landfill. When it breaks down it produces methane, which contributes significantly to climate change.

5 Artists who live and breathe recycling

5 Artists who live and breathe recycling

Have you ever considered the potential and impact of waste created in our everyday lives? Many products today often end up as trash when they could be recycled into treasure. In fact, the repurposing of one thing into another entirely new thing is a key component in sustainable art.

Electronics Recycling is Essential for Your Business Environment

Electronics Recycling is Essential for Your Business Environment

Unless you ensure that your old electronics are properly recycled, they not only pose a threat to the environment, but your data privacy may also be at risk. If old computers are simply tossed into the trash bin, even data that has been deleted from hard drives can sometimes be retrieved and used by competitors.

3 factors that reduce emissions & grow sustainable recycling

3 factors that reduce emissions & grow sustainable recycling

A recently released report on US post-consumer plastics shows the recycling rate for PET bottles is now greater than 30%. This great news is a result of 3 factors that contribute to a reduction in national emissions & a sustainable supply chain.

How Eco-fashion is Saving Lives and the Planet

How Eco-fashion is Saving Lives and the Planet

Every business strives to turn a profit but doing so at the expense of the environment has become passe. Although introduced in 1990, eco-fashion, the design philosophy that embraces the use of sustainable materials, low impact manufacturing and social responsibility didn't gain traction until 2007.

What’s the best waste collection for yourself, your city & the environment?

What’s the best waste collection for yourself, your city & the environment?

How often do you consider the way your organics, recyclables & waste are collected? For many of us, once we have placed our items at the curb, we don't think about our containers until we bring them back empty to our homes. There are several factors to consider in deciding the best municipal waste collection for yourself, your city & the environment.