Page 68 | Recycling and Sustainability Tips

The Waste Wise Blog

Why recycling sand is good for the environment and business

Why recycling sand is good for the environment and business

Every winter in North Texas, highway authorities spread sand across highways in order to improve traction when the temperature goes below freezing causing slippery conditions, according to the Fort Worth Star Telegram. Every spring, the authorities sweep up the sand, which by then has become mixed with trash the people tend to pitch by the side of the road, and then pay dearly for having it deposited in a landfill.

Boeing pursues recycling innovations with aircraft parts

Boeing pursues recycling innovations with aircraft parts

When an airliner reaches the end of its operational life, the practice has been to park it on an aircraft junk yard, also called a bone yard or grave yard, where they are eventually turned into aircraft scrap metal. However, according to the Seattle Times, the Boeing Company, one of the world’s largest aircraft manufacturers, is looking at aerospace sustainability initiatives to reuse parts of old airliners in house once they have been retired from service.

3 reasons why you should donate your old cell phone

3 reasons why you should donate your old cell phone

Many people have a few old cell phones lying around and collecting dust. You might be worrying about disposing of it correctly, so you just don’t bother.

Eco-Fashion: Better For The World & Your Wallet

Eco-Fashion: Better For The World & Your Wallet

Choosing repurposed or vintage clothing gives you access to a repertoire of fashion you might not otherwise be able to afford, so it is good for your wardrobe and your wallet. It's also good for the environment.

Recycle using reverse vending machines

Recycle using reverse vending machines

One way to recycle involves the use of reverse vending machines. The incentive for most people to recycle is to appeal to their sense of public spirit and concern for the environment.

Zero Waste Restaurant? It can be done!

Zero Waste Restaurant? It can be done!

It can be done. A small sandwich shop in Chicago owned and run by Justin Vraney, Sandwich Me In, has been in operation for 2 years.

How green was the World Cup?

How green was the World Cup?

The World Cup is one of the biggest sporting events of all. The millions of people who attend make recycling and other sustainability measures imperative.

Why is Houston ending curbside recycling?

Why is Houston ending curbside recycling?

According to National Public Radio, Houston is working on a plan to abolish separate recycling bins entirely, thus ending curbside recycling. The idea is that residents and business owners would pile their recyclables and their trash into a single bin.

Saving Our Environment: Why You Need to Recycle Your Cell Phone

Saving Our Environment: Why You Need to Recycle Your Cell Phone

It seems like new cell phones come out daily. There are always new and improved models.

Green Cleaning Recipes: Just Say No to Harsh Chemicals!

Green Cleaning Recipes: Just Say No to Harsh Chemicals!

Harsh chemicals can be found in many of your home cleaning products. Not only can these harsh chemicals have a negative effect on the environment, but they can make you, your family, and even pets sick! Instead of using these products, use green cleaning products.