Page 59 | Recycling and Sustainability Tips

The Waste Wise Blog

Jump On The Recycling Bandwagon: Benefit Yourself, Future Generations & The Environment

Jump On The Recycling Bandwagon: Benefit Yourself, Future Generations & The Environment

Recycling is as much a state of mind and an art form as an effort in social and environmental activism.

Eco-Friendly Kitchen Tools for A Sustainable Office Break Room

Eco-Friendly Kitchen Tools for A Sustainable Office Break Room

For many small businesses or offices, addressing waste in a kitchenette or break room can be more challenging than addressing waste in a large cafeteria. It might be hard to implement similar strategies for a cafeteria that are fitting on a smaller scale, or it might be difficult to introduce eco-friendly features in a small space.

Reducing Your Business’ Ecological Footprint

Reducing Your Business’ Ecological Footprint

With natural disasters occurring more frequently, and people becoming more aware of global warming it is apparent that one of the main factors is human involvement. As the population continues to consume resources and produce waste, we have to question what nature’s capacity is to meet our needs.

Why You Should Recycle and Its Benefits

Why You Should Recycle and Its Benefits

Improving the environment can easily be done in the comfort of your office or home. Recycling has many aspects that contribute to saving resources and making an impact on conservation for the planet.

Is The Sierra Nevada Brewing Company A Model For Zero Waste?

Is The Sierra Nevada Brewing Company A Model For Zero Waste?

When you think about running a green business, what comes to mind? A company that recycles its unwanted paper, then shreds its confidential information when it's no longer needed, and uses LED light bulbs instead of the more wasteful incandescent bulbs, perhaps? How about a business that donates unused product to locals who can use it? What about a business that turns its waste into fuel, ensuring that even its delivery vehicles are eco-friendly?If that's what comes to mind, then the zero waste business you're thinking of is probably the Sierra Nevada Brewing Company.

How Green Team Building Can Get Your Office Pumped

How Green Team Building Can Get Your Office Pumped

More than ever before businesses are beginning to realize that the health of their company can't just be reflected in profits. Offices that have chosen to go green are doing great things for the environment while saving money at the same time.

How to Recycle and Make a Difference in the Workplace

How to Recycle and Make a Difference in the Workplace

Starting a recycling program at work and learning how to recycle properly takes a bit of effort, but it will be well worth the time in the long run. Below you will find tips on how to create a recycling program that works.

3 Sustainable Summer Improvements For The Office

3 Sustainable Summer Improvements For The Office

As summer heats up, your office is probably seeing a little grief in its energy bill. But the warm summer sun does not have to zap energy from your employees or energy savings from your office.

Could This Dutch Company Redefine Sustainability At The Office?

Could This Dutch Company Redefine Sustainability At The Office?

Businesses are trying harder and harder to be sustainable. They use recycled products, keep digital back ups instead of paper files whenever possible, and they make sure everything that can be recycled makes its way into the blue bin.

Recycling Ocean Plastic with the The Ocean Cleanup

Recycling Ocean Plastic with the The Ocean Cleanup

Last month, the young environmentalist Boyan Slat announced that his non-profit, The Ocean Cleanup, will deploy their 2000-meter boom system to collect plastic waste in the Great Pacific Garbage Patch in 2016.This large system will be the first system of its size to be deployed in the ocean for plastic removal.