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The Waste Wise Blog

How to Work Towards a Zero Waste Office

How to Work Towards a Zero Waste Office

The goal of zero waste might sound like a lofty and idealistic one, but it is easier than you might think. Like any other policy change that a business undertakes, there are a few basic steps to ensure success.

4 Things You Should Really Consider Before Starting Recycling

4 Things You Should Really Consider Before Starting Recycling

If your company has been considering how to recycle, or if you have tried but it does not seem to be working, then you'll want to make sure you have thought about these four things:First thing: Start simple. What is the easiest item in your office or business to recycle? Maybe you use a lot of paper that can be recycled? For an office, paper is one of the easiest items to start recycling.

4 Benefits Children’s Picnic Tables Can Bring Your Daycare’s Eating Area

4 Benefits Children’s Picnic Tables Can Bring Your Daycare’s Eating Area

A lot of thought goes into room design, furniture, storage, and anything else in a daycare center. Children's health and safety are always considerations, along with creating an environment that encourages learning.

How Ford Is Reducing Their Carbon Footprint Through Recycling

How Ford Is Reducing Their Carbon Footprint Through Recycling

One of the problems with standard manufacturing technology is the creation of scrap metal. Some plants sell the scrap metal to other companies for reuse.

How To Build Empathy with Sustainability Naysayers & Cynics

How To Build Empathy with Sustainability Naysayers & Cynics

The most frustrating aspect of promoting sustainability is the cynicism and apathy of those who don't see the need for sustainability initiatives. Concerns that seem so obviously important to us are contemptible to them.

Why Your Business Should Recycle

Why Your Business Should Recycle

Why Your Business Should RecycleYou already know the mantra. It's good for the environment.

Are Rooftop Gardens The Next Big Thing In Corporate Social Responsibility?

Are Rooftop Gardens The Next Big Thing In Corporate Social Responsibility?

Cities offer a lot of conveniences for those who live in them. Everything from nightlife to commuting is centralized and within easy reach, government services are regular and dependable, and city dwellers have more cosmopolitan populations, which allow you to interact with more heterogeneous groups than you could outside of a city.

How A Waste Audit Can Establish Your Reduction Program’s Baseline

How A Waste Audit Can Establish Your Reduction Program’s Baseline

There's a great deal of talk about sustainability at the office these days, but how does an organization decide how to start waste reduction and recycling, and where to focus their initial recycling efforts?  First, they should quantify their current waste levels and identify the area needing greatest improvement.  A Waste Audit is a terrific way to do that.

4 Ways To Green Your Spring Cleaning

4 Ways To Green Your Spring Cleaning

With spring finally here, it's time for a thorough house cleaning. Many of us start throwing away or recycling various items, while conducting a deep cleanse with various cleaning products.

3 Reasons Why Green LEED Buildings Can Boost Business

3 Reasons Why Green LEED Buildings Can Boost Business

LEED building standards are a hard reach for many companies, whether when building a new structure or retrofitting an existing building or space. In turn, a business might decide that it's not worth the time, consultation, and effort to become LEED certified.