Page 49 | Recycling and Sustainability Tips

The Waste Wise Blog

This Australian Company Is Recycling Waste Water Into Drinking Water

This Australian Company Is Recycling Waste Water Into Drinking Water

One of the more unusual cases of a recycling innovation has been started by an Australian inventor named Dr. Bruce Kambouris, who has begun a bottled water company called AquaBotanica.

Can We Recycle The Atmosphere AND Pull Fuel Out of Thin Air?

Can We Recycle The Atmosphere AND Pull Fuel Out of Thin Air?

One of the biggest environmental concerns we face today is an overabundance of greenhouse gases in our atmosphere. These gases come from everywhere; it seems, but some of the major sources are burning fossil fuels, waste dumps, and heavy industry.

How to Pest Proof Your Waste Receptacles

How to Pest Proof Your Waste Receptacles

You may have noticed that your waste receptacles are a prime target for raccoons and a number of other hungry, or curious animals, but as the warm summer months are upon us, the infestation of bees and wasps can pose and even bigger dilemma. Fortunately, there are a few things you can do to help protect your bins from becoming invaded by most types of annoying pests.

Some of the most recent recycling innovations, especially regarding organic matter, fall under the rubric of composting. This age-old practice, once reserved for individuals who own large outdoor spaces, can now be practiced (odor free) in areas as small as a balcony or even indoors.

Recycling’s Role In Environmental Sustainability

Recycling’s Role In Environmental Sustainability

The goal of environmental sustainability, according to the Environmental Protection Agency, is for humans and nature to exist in productive harmony.  This definition clearly understands that production is at the basis of existence for both human and nature.

How SolarCity Can Be Used For Green Team Building

How SolarCity Can Be Used For Green Team Building

It can be difficult for companies to blend community building and green initiatives together, especially with non-profit partners. Sometimes, it can require more planning and time, but when each business and non-profit is busy with day-to-day operations, it can be stressful to find the right moment to plan a joint event or program.

Will Recycling Progress Towards A One Bin Solution?

Will Recycling Progress Towards A One Bin Solution?

When curbside recycling first came into being, homeowners and businesses were obliged to separate different types of recyclable materials into separate bins, plastics in one bin, cardboard in another, and so on. Most recycling operations now allow all recycled material to be placed in a single bin, to be sorted out at the recycling center, but separate from non-recycled trash.

6 Steps To Green Your Office Paper Use

6 Steps To Green Your Office Paper Use

Are you wanting to implement practices for sustainability at the office but just can't get anything established?  The best way to get management's attention in business is toIncrease profits andSucceed at reaching your target goal, particularly when that goal is to increase profitsSaving the planet is a noble path, but businesses exist to make money.  That's what they do.

Should Other Nations Follow France’s Lead on Food Waste?

Should Other Nations Follow France’s Lead on Food Waste?

Food waste is a huge problem all around the world. Even in rich nations, where food is plentiful, there are people who simply cannot afford to feed themselves and their families.

The Benefits of Outdoor Picnic Tables For Employee Lunches

The Benefits of Outdoor Picnic Tables For Employee Lunches

When thinking about purchasing fixtures for your company, outdoor picnic tables usually aren't the first items that come to mind. Yet, more and more companies are utilizing these simple, easy-to-care-for, well-loved backyard standards to tempt their employees outside during break and meal times.