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The Waste Wise Blog

4 Tips for Hosting a Zero Waste Office Party

4 Tips for Hosting a Zero Waste Office Party

Hosting office parties, whether for retirements, holidays or just about any other purpose, can be a lot of fun and can go a long way toward boosting employee morale. However, if you aren't careful, these parties can result in a lot of waste.

Tips For A More Environmentally Friendly Weekly Routine

Tips For A More Environmentally Friendly Weekly Routine

Shopping totes. Reusable coffee mugs.

This startup is recycling food waste into powdered supplements

This startup is recycling food waste into powdered supplements

Communities undertake recycling to save space in landfills and to cut down on the amount of energy needed to create new products from scratch. A startup company called NewFoodz is undertaking a recycling innovation program to address two other problems, namely food waste and hunger.

Will Low Consumer Awareness Stifle Battery Recycling?

Will Low Consumer Awareness Stifle Battery Recycling?

Great strides are being made in battery recycling innovations. Although battery recycling is still a niche market, it is gaining immense potential.

How to Recycle for a Greener Workplace

How to Recycle for a Greener Workplace

Paper Waste in OfficesWe all know that recycling is good for the environment. And most people use recycling bins at home.

Will Tesla Start Charging Fees For Using Its Re-Charging Stations?

Will Tesla Start Charging Fees For Using Its Re-Charging Stations?

Tesla is one of the biggest electric car companies in the world, and it's certainly one of the most visible. The company has bucked market trends, and even tradition, by creating a unique product, and an even more unique support network to make buying that product more appealing.

Encouraging Your Office to Recycle More with Friendly Competition

Encouraging Your Office to Recycle More with Friendly Competition

Even though you might have recycling bins in place at your office, there's a chance that your employees just aren't as focused on recycling as they possibly should be. In order for your office to truly cut down on waste and make a difference, it is important for everyone to participate.

Recycling tobacco to save Baltimore Harbor

Recycling tobacco to save Baltimore Harbor

The Baltimore Waterfront Partnership has set the goal of making the inner harbor of the city both swimmable and fishable by the year 2020. Part of the reason that the harbor is polluted is the tendency of smokers to discard cigarette butts after finishing.

4 Ways to Create a Zero Waste Garden

4 Ways to Create a Zero Waste Garden

Summer is officially here, and gardens across the country are in full bloom. While most would consider gardening an eco-friendly activity, there can be a considerable amount of waste involved, even with the best of intentions.

Will The Food Recovery Act Reduce Food Waste?

Will The Food Recovery Act Reduce Food Waste?

Many people are uneducated about food waste and the effects that it has on the environment. Currently, a proposed federal legislation is aiming to educate citizens on the harming effects of food waste, and how to eliminate this waste all together.