Page 46 | Recycling and Sustainability Tips

The Waste Wise Blog

Gum-Tec: Recycling chewing gum into thermoplastic elastomers

Gum-Tec: Recycling chewing gum into thermoplastic elastomers

Chewing gum may not be the most prevalent form of solid waste in terms of volume, but it is one of the most annoying. Most people have had the experience of finding gum sticking to the bottom of their shoes and having to pry it loose.

Why Sustainability At The Office Is So Important

Why Sustainability At The Office Is So Important

Many people take steps to live a more eco-friendly, sustainable lifestyle at home by buying eco-friendly home appliances and plumbing fixtures, recycling and more. However, not all office settings are as sustainable as they should be.

How Lego Like Recycled Plastic Is Creating Housing For The Homeless

How Lego Like Recycled Plastic Is Creating Housing For The Homeless

There is nothing better than the feeling of killing two birds with one stone. When a single solution can take two, serious problems and make progress on solving both of them, that is how a lot of progress is made in a short period of time.

How Can Recycling Bins Help the Arctic?

How Can Recycling Bins Help the Arctic?

In our daily lives, we're often faced with the idea that the "little things" don't really count for much. We feel like one person's actions can't make a big difference.

4 Important Qualities to Look for in Outdoor Waste Receptacles

Corporate organizations churn out tons of unwanted waste material, and the need for these organizations to find eco-friendly solutions for waste disposal cannot be overemphasized. If you operate a business, you most certainly desire to keep a greener environment, and you’ll encourage your employees, guests, and customers to support your noble objective.

The Perpetual Plastic Project seeks to keep plastic out of landfills forever

The Perpetual Plastic Project seeks to keep plastic out of landfills forever

One of the more vexing problems in waste disposal is the proliferation of plastic. Plastic, unless it is specially treated to be biodegradable, tends to last an awfully long time, whether it is disposed of in landfills or waterways.

How To Reduce Personal Food Waste

How To Reduce Personal Food Waste

In a world where 35 million tons of food waste every year comes from U.S.

Does Aero Farm Have A Food Waste Solution?

Does Aero Farm Have A Food Waste Solution?

When we think of food waste, we tend to picture all the groceries that get thrown out uneaten or the stacks of fruits and vegetables that are tossed out by grocery stores when they begin to spoil. However, what most people don't realize, is that the way we grow our food is amazingly wasteful.

Achieve Zero Waste & Save Money With Freecycling

Achieve Zero Waste & Save Money With Freecycling

Freecycling is a pretty simple concept; consumers band together to pass on surplus goods when they no longer need them, using the internet to maintain an efficient network of communication and to take sustainability beyond the recycling bin. It's a movement that's definitely worth getting involved with, as it's not only environmentally friendly but also saves you money on both ends.

Why Should You Recycle Your Metals?

Why Should You Recycle Your Metals?

Metal is a material we virtually cannot live without in an industrial society. We need it for building, food preservation, and transportation, and it is a powerful tool in maintaining our sense of civilization.