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The Waste Wise Blog

Food Waste In The USA: How You Can Have An Impact

Food Waste In The USA: How You Can Have An Impact

In "The Great Balancing Act: Creating a Sustainable Food Future," the World Resources Institute asks, "How can the world adequately feed more than 9 billion people by 2050 in a manner that advances economic development and reduces pressure on the environment?"What does food waste have to do with this challenge? A lot, it turns out. Consider these statistics:We waste about one-third of all food produced worldwide, about 1.

The Japanese Dome House: A Zero Waste Living Solution?

The Japanese Dome House: A Zero Waste Living Solution?

When we talk about zero waste, we talk about a lot of different areas. We talk about energy, we talk about food, and we talk about our clothing, but we don't always think about one of the biggest uses of our resources; our homes.

The Anaerobic Digester: An Option for Transforming Food Waste

The Anaerobic Digester: An Option for Transforming Food Waste

The anaerobic digester, also called the biogas digester, is an option for transforming food waste into two valuable products--biogas and soil amendments like fertilizer.Several communities, in an effort to reduce their carbon footprint, have stopped food waste from going into landfills and instead, have diverted it into large-scale anaerobic digesters.

Social Responsibility and Sustainability: The New Business Values

Social Responsibility and Sustainability: The New Business Values

Business values provide the structure that supports the rapidly changing regulatory, social, and political environments that affect business. With new generations entering the workforce, businesses are adapting to the rapidly changing world with social responsibility and sustainability goals.

Is Gumdrop A Zero Waste Solution For Recycling Chewing Gum?

Is Gumdrop A Zero Waste Solution For Recycling Chewing Gum?

Remember when you were younger, and you were terrified that swallowing chewing gum would clog up your pipes? Eventually, you figured out that, while not good for you, gum would pass right through your body without doing any real harm. The same cannot be said of our environment, though.

The Challenges & Innovations Of Food Waste

The Challenges & Innovations Of Food Waste

Food waste stretches across the supply chain from farm to fork. The natural and human resources needed to grow, package, transport, and prepare food that ends up in landfills are more resources lost than any of us can afford, especially in the face of food insecurity and hunger across America.

Our Top Recycling Bins For Small Spaces

Our Top Recycling Bins For Small Spaces

When you’ve got a charming but small office space to work with, recycling can be a bit more challenging. However, that shouldn’t stop you from keeping things stylish and efficient inside your humble work abode.

Are Vertical Forests an Answer to Corporate Social Responsibility and The Environment?

Are Vertical Forests an Answer to Corporate Social Responsibility and The Environment?

When we think of people fighting climate change, we tend to think of activists and protesters. We also tend to put corporations on the side of those who are making global warming worse; faceless entities harming the planet in pursuit of profits.

Why You Should Recycle & Reduce Your Junk Mail

Why You Should Recycle & Reduce Your Junk Mail

We all get junk mail, both as businesses and as individuals. Most of the time we ignore it.

The Magical Cacao: Models for Corporate Sustainability

The Magical Cacao: Models for Corporate Sustainability

Global food systems and large, multinational agribusiness are ground zero for business sustainability practices. Not only are investors and the general public demanding more transparency and accountability, but the very nature of the agricultural supply chain is under threat from years of profit-first thinking.