Page 41 | Recycling and Sustainability Tips

The Waste Wise Blog

Recycling: Are The Robots Taking Over?

Recycling: Are The Robots Taking Over?

We all recognize that recycling is important, but the sheer amount of human energy it takes to sort recycling is downright Sisyphean. As with so many challenges, though, this one is being met by technology, and the ever more intelligent systems we design to mechanize our workforce.

Nat-2 Creates Shoes That Use Ethically-Harvested Wood To Replace Leather

Nat-2 Creates Shoes That Use Ethically-Harvested Wood To Replace Leather

The idea of wearing wooden shoes is not new by any stretch of the imagination. However, when most people picture wooden shoes, they tend to think of the sort of traditional clogs you see in stereotypical images of Sweden.

Will Competitive, Lab-Grown Meat Reduce Our Food Waste?

Will Competitive, Lab-Grown Meat Reduce Our Food Waste?

You know how, in sci-fi books and movies, we always seem to have figured out this whole "world hunger" problem? We always have some miraculous technology, or some political movement, that has solved the dilemma of making sure everyone has enough food, and that the planet isn't decimated by the environmental costs of raising colossal herds of animals.Well, it's possible we're on the verge of turning science fiction into science fact yet again.

Trash Fashion: The Wild World of Textile Recycling

Trash Fashion: The Wild World of Textile Recycling

Trash Fashion: The Wild World of Textile RecyclingTextile recycling is one of the oldest recycling industries, and it has developed some particularly fascinating and creative offshoots. The textile industry uses an enormous amount of natural resources, and natural fibers have to be grown: silk, wool, alpaca, cotton, linen, hemp, are all materials that are limited to how much can be grown, and where, and how quickly.

Can You Reduce Food Waste With Indoor Hydroponics? Ikea Thinks So

Can You Reduce Food Waste With Indoor Hydroponics? Ikea Thinks So

Gardening is a great way to make sure you always have fresh produce, and it can save you a little money in the long-term. However, gardens have seasons, and you can only grow a garden when the weather permits.

Recycling and the Circular Economy: A Model for Long-Term Sustainability

Recycling and the Circular Economy: A Model for Long-Term Sustainability

Our economic model now is linear. We take resources, make a product, sell it, and when it is used up, throw away the remains.

Are Hobbit Holes a Zero Waste Living Solution?

Are Hobbit Holes a Zero Waste Living Solution?

Thanks to Peter Jackson and his blockbuster films, everyone in the world knows about hobbits. They're small, furry-footed folk who, despite their provincial life, are brave, loyal, and willing to take great personal risks to do what's best for the world.

The Infinite Recyclability Of Glass

The Infinite Recyclability Of Glass

Recycling glass is the perfect use of the technology; glass does not biodegrade over time, and the materials and energy needed to make new glass from silica, soda, and lime uses more resources, and releases more carbon dioxide into the environment, then remelting and remaking new glass products from old. Why recycle glass? Because glass can be recycled into new containers forever, illustrating how glass is infinitely recyclable.

Green Your Team With The Carbon Footprint Challenge

Green Your Team With The Carbon Footprint Challenge

With new tools available to help people measure their carbon footprint at home and work, collective action and friendly competition are bringing carbon footprint challenges to the workplace. Carbon footprint is a measure of the amount of greenhouse gas emissions based on fossil fuel consumption per individual or group.

What to Look for When Buying an Outdoor Ashtray

What to Look for When Buying an Outdoor Ashtray

Finding the right outdoor ashtray for your restaurant, campus or, park shouldn’t be difficult or break the bank. At Waste Wise, we get how important it is to cut down on smokers’ intrusion for non-smokers’, and set up common areas for your commercial outdoor ashtrays.