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The Waste Wise Blog

Creatively Cut Down On Plastic Pollution Through Mindful Food Choices

Creatively Cut Down On Plastic Pollution Through Mindful Food Choices

The beautiful thing about thoughtful food consumption is that with just a minimum amount of mindfulness, you can kill two birds with one stone. We mean that metaphorically, of course.

Reducing Plastic Pollution in the Hospitality Industry and Beyond

Reducing Plastic Pollution in the Hospitality Industry and Beyond

For most of us, the consumption of single-use plastics is all about convenience. Our to-go coffees come with plastic lids and stirrers.

Keeping Plastic Out Of Food Waste

Keeping Plastic Out Of Food Waste

One of the ways some communities are dealing with food waste is to compost it and turn it into fertilizer. The idea has caught on in Europe, according to NPR, and has gone a long way toward solving the problem of food waste.

Stopping Plastic Pollution Through Innovative Partying?

Stopping Plastic Pollution Through Innovative Partying?

Who doesn't love a good party? I'm guessing that would be a short list. Whether you're planning a children's birthday party, a kegger, or just an ordinary office party, you can stop plastic pollution through some innovative party planning.

Reduce Paper Waste In Your Office

Reduce Paper Waste In Your Office

According to the Paperless Project, "the average office worker continues to use a staggering 10,000 sheets of copy paper every year," despite digital technology that, in theory, would facilitate offices going paperless. No conversation about sustainability in the office can be complete without discussing paper waste.

Does Prominent Placement of Recycling Bins Make a Difference?

Does Prominent Placement of Recycling Bins Make a Difference?

Anyone who has ever come in contact with the real estate industry is probably familiar with this famous mantra: Location, location, location. In a nutshell, location, location, location means identical homes can increase or decrease in value due to location.

Selling The C-Suite on the Benefits of a Circular Economy

Selling The C-Suite on the Benefits of a Circular Economy

A circular economy for personal lifestyle, and a circular economy for small businesses - they're all easy to enter and easy to convince the boss on (especially if you are the boss). But do you work for a corporate giant? (Or even an average-sized corporate entity?) How do you convince them to cut out the massive waste you probably see around you? It's a process, but it's possible.

Will Robots in Our Greenhouses Cut Down on Food Waste?

Will Robots in Our Greenhouses Cut Down on Food Waste?

The way technology has changed how we grow food is kind of spectacular, when you stop to think about it. Back in the late 1700s, about 90 percent of people in America were farmers.

How To Match Your Furniture To Your Waste System With Stylish Recycling Bins

How To Match Your Furniture To Your Waste System With Stylish Recycling Bins

The days of having to incorporate unsightly plastic bins or bulky bright-colored boxes as part your company waste management system are long over. In fact, there is no need to have two or three bins, one for waste, one for recycling and one for empty bottles or cans.

The Challenge Of Recycling Carbon-Fiber-Reinforced Plastics

The Challenge Of Recycling Carbon-Fiber-Reinforced Plastics

An article in Plastics Today highlights how the increasing adoption of carbon-fiber-reinforced plastics is forcing the adoption of new recycling innovations. Is carbon fiber plastic? Yes, and the problem is that commonly used plastic recycling technology damages the carbon fibers by first burning and charring them and then chopping them up, making them unsuitable for building structural components.