Page 25 | Recycling and Sustainability Tips

The Waste Wise Blog

How You Can Help Fight Food Waste

How You Can Help Fight Food Waste

Everyone nowadays is so busy! It can be hard to make good choices when it comes to food. Most of the time people either getting something on the go or ordering take-out.

Understanding the Impact a Circular Economy Can Have on Your Business

Understanding the Impact a Circular Economy Can Have on Your Business

Implementing a circular economy model in your business is a significant change in ideology from the atypical "take, make, dispose" model we were all raised on. Particularly in American businesses, the drive for profitability is paramount in business models.

Equipping the Next Generation to Reduce Food Waste

Equipping the Next Generation to Reduce Food Waste

If we were going to make a list of the country's most thoughtful consumers, kids wouldn't be at the top of the list. While kids are often sensitive to environmental concerns, such instincts don't always come them naturally.

Do Scientists Have A New Weapon To Fight Plastic Pollution?

Do Scientists Have A New Weapon To Fight Plastic Pollution?

Imagine, for a moment, if we could make PET and PEF plastics break down in a matter of weeks or months, instead of years. If we could gather up the tons of plastic waste that's choking our oceans and landfills, sprinkle some fairy dust on it, and watch it melt away, what could that do to help us ease the burden of plastic pollution on our environment?A lot.

Help National Parks Fight Plastic Pollution

Help National Parks Fight Plastic Pollution

Over the past few decades, our nation's national parks have done their part in decreasing plastic pollution and the harmful effects on our country's most treasured examples of natural beauty. At different times, they've had federal support backing their policies; however, while these matters are in a constant state of flux, one thing never changes: the dedication of those in leadership of our national parks services to fight plastic pollution.

Recycling Animal Waste Into Paper

Recycling Animal Waste Into Paper

One man’s trash is another man’s treasure, or so the old saying goes, and that’s been true for animal waste products ever since humans figured out how to herd. However, while manure has been used as fertilizer by farmers for ages, it turns out that there are other ways of recycling animal waste.

3 Ways To Promote Environmental Sustainability At Work

3 Ways To Promote Environmental Sustainability At Work

Adopting a sustainable office can offer several benefits. And it's the best way to go green.

2 Easy Ways to Reduce Plastic Pollution

2 Easy Ways to Reduce Plastic Pollution

Have you wondered where that plastic bottle you use end up after throwing it in the trash? What is the importance of reducing our plastic use? Should you take part in recycling?Most of the plastic that goes to the ocean is plastic, as 80 percent of marine trash comes from land. Yes, we use our ocean as our trash bin.

What Happens When You Recycle?

What Happens When You Recycle?

We've all heard the mantra 'reuse, reduce, recycle', but how many of us actually know what that means? Around 75% of all waste in the US is recyclable, yet only 30% actually gets recycled. The 70% that is not recycled then gets sent to a landfill to degrade over time, or it is sent to be incinerated.

Why Buy Products Designed For The Circular Economy?

Why Buy Products Designed For The Circular Economy?

Circular economy products won't only benefit the environment; it will also aid the consumers. Re-manufacturing is a vital part of the circular economic shift.