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The Waste Wise Blog

How AI Can Reduce Grocery Food Waste

How AI Can Reduce Grocery Food Waste

To outsiders, the problem of food waste in retail seems obvious. Stop wasting food, duh! If reducing food waste were that simple, then it wouldn't be such a hot topic among people who worry about it for a living.

3 Ways to Get Kids Excited About Recycling

3 Ways to Get Kids Excited About Recycling

Recycling is becoming an increasingly pressing issue. As such, it is becoming more and more important to not only take steps now to recycle but also to start making it a priority to teach children to do the same.

3 Tips To Journey Towards a Zero-Waste Workplace

3 Tips To Journey Towards a Zero-Waste Workplace

It should come as no surprise that the typical modern-day corporate office is full of waste. For example, thousands of pieces of paper are shredded every day in offices across America.

Could Cactus Plastic Be In Our Future?

Could Cactus Plastic Be In Our Future?

We've been looking for alternatives to traditional plastics for decades now. While there have been some successes using plant-based materials, changes have been slow to come to the market.

Moss-Growing Concrete Might Be The New Face of Mediterranean Sustainability

Moss-Growing Concrete Might Be The New Face of Mediterranean Sustainability

Vertical forests (the idea of growing plants on the exteriors of buildings to provide air filtration and additional oxygen in urban settings) are becoming more and more popular as the years go on. Many structures take the term literally, focusing on balconies and exterior ledges that hold trees and bushes, providing platforms that support plant growth.

Vertical Forests Make Their Way To Egypt!

Vertical Forests Make Their Way To Egypt!

One of the most important parts of fighting climate change and preserving the environment is green spaces. However, for these green spaces to be beneficial, they need to be part of our daily lives.

5 Reasons Mercedes-Benz Stadium Is the World’s Most Sustainable Sport Venue

5 Reasons Mercedes-Benz Stadium Is the World’s Most Sustainable Sport Venue

Atlanta's Mercedes-Benz Stadium, which opened in 2017, is the home of the National Football League's Falcons and Major League Soccer's Atlanta United. The stadium has been billed as the most sustainable sports venue in the world.

Modern-Day Samurai Who Are Here To Literally Clean Up The Streets?

Modern-Day Samurai Who Are Here To Literally Clean Up The Streets?

The figures of the Gomi-hiroi Samurai (which roughly translates to litter-picking samurai) have become common sights in Tokyo, Japan. These street samurai, in their denim kimonos and fedoras, have a unique way of taking on one of the city's common enemies.

How Universities Can Start Composting

How Universities Can Start Composting

Composting is one of the original methods of sustainable living, even before sustainability became as popular and essential as it has in the last decade. Yet it is still one that most people do not take advantage of.

3 Packaging Trends to Improve Recycling Sustainability

3 Packaging Trends to Improve Recycling Sustainability

In 2018, there were lots of anti-plastic campaigns on packaging materials. We also saw the start of three iconic initiatives; countries banning single-use plastics, the launch of the first plastic-free supermarket in London and Amsterdam, and the start of the New Plastics Economy Global Commitment.