How to make sure the items in your recycling bins don’t end up in the trash | Waste Wise Products

How to make sure the items in your recycling bins don’t end up in the trash

How to make sure the items in your recycling bins don't end up in the trash

Maybe you’re an avid recycler, or maybe you’re trying to become one. But no matter how diligent you are about separating the recyclables from the trash, did you know that a significant portion of recycled material is actually sent to the landfill? That’s because a lot of people fail to follow two basic guidelines when it comes to recycling: ensuring that their recyclables are: 1) clean and 2) actually recyclable. Here’s how to make sure your recyclables don’t end up in the trash:

Clean your recyclables

If you are recycling a food container, you need to clean off any food remnants on the container before putting it in the recycling bin. It doesn’t have to be clean enough to eat out of, but If there are still food remnants on the container, it will probably be thrown away. Pizza boxes in particular are a big culprit, as the grease and cheese stains that are left on the box can interfere with the recycling process. If you wish to recycle a pizza box, make sure you cut out the greasy and cheesy parts before putting it in the bin. The cost of food contamination of recyclables is estimated to be as high as $700 million per year – so, by cleaning your recyclables, you can not only ensure that they actually will be recycled, but you’ll be saving your local recycling center a lot of money!

Make sure your recyclables are actually recyclable

Some people have a tendency to throw anything that looks like it might be recyclable in the recycling container. This is especially true when it comes to plastics. However, not all plastics can be recycled! Before you recycle an item, make sure the item has the recycling logo on it. If the item is plastic, look for a number between 1 and 7 inside the recycling logo. If the item doesn’t have a number, it can’t be recycled curbside, so you can’t put it in the recycling bin. Also, keep in mind that in some areas, not all plastics numbered 1-7 are accepted. Sometimes, a specific area will only accept certain numbers. If you’re not sure, call the recycling company to find out.

Following these two simple guidelines will greatly reduce the amount of recyclables that end up in the trash. All it takes is a little commitment to follow the rules and be informed about what your local recyclers accept. 


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