How To Create A More Eco-friendly, Community-Focused Office | Waste Wise Products

How To Create A More Eco-friendly, Community-Focused Office

Office managers are often looking for new and innovative ways to boost the productivity and impact of their employees. Sometimes the best solutions come from thinking outside of the box and away from typical business functions. Waste Wise has a number of ideas for implementing some of these projects and the products to make it happen.

Keeping The Flu Out Of The Office With Hand Sanitizers

Many offices end up having seasonal productivity fluctuations. This isn’t necessarily from the nature of their business, but from cold and flu season taking its toll on workers calling out sick. In order to avoid the loss in productivity, many workers try to come in to the office even if they are still sick. Unfortunately, this ends up backfiring as more and more people get sick. So a great project to boost office productivity throughout the year, and especially during cold and flu season, is to put hand sanitizers in the office.

Many people carry around personal hand sanitizer, but to be really effective, everyone has to be using them. Installing hand sanitizer dispensers at the entrances to conference rooms, the cafeteria, and common areas is a great way to accomplish this task. Put another hand sanitizer dispenser on the administrative assistant’s or receptionist’s desk so even visitors can participate. Hand sanitizers are effective at killing 99% of germs and bacteria, proving invaluable for keeping everyone at the office healthy and productive year round. Passing out branded personal hand sanitizers is a good touch as well.

Staying Clean And Green With A Company Recycling Program

An office recycling program is a great way to make a number of positive changes at once. First off, using recycling bins around the building is a great way to encourage participation in order to reap the myriad of benefits that recycling offers. By utilizing recycling bins that are customized with the company’ logo or slogan, everyone can feel a personal investment in helping to reduce waste.

Implementing such a program does not require a large number of recycling bins either. Depending on the size of the office, only a few bins may be needed, such as in the cafeteria and by the copier, with a larger recycling bin located outside for pickups. Individual offices can use small rider recycling bins clipped onto regular waste baskets for instant sorting between recyclables and regular trash. Overall, the right recycling bins makes it easy and convenient to participate.

Feel Good While Making A Difference – Community Outreach

Sometimes in order to have an impact inside the office, it takes a good deed done outside of the company. There are a large number of programs that a company can sponsor, such as recycling bins in public areas, or by donating volunteer hours. Employees build team camaraderie outside of working hours while helping to create a closer bond between business and community. Ultimately, everyone wins.

Whether it is hand sanitizer dispensers or customized recycling bins, Waste Wise has the products and know how to help drive your company forward.

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