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Green Tech

The Algae-Eating Drone could combat the stress caused by algae blooms

The Algae-Eating Drone could combat the stress caused by algae blooms

Harmful algal blooms are toxic to water bodies and ecosystem, and the people, animals, and plants that rely on the water from these bodies are put at a health risk. First, many animals, marine life, and birds, and plants can get sick and die from the unnatural growth of algae blooms, threatening the health of water bodies, from the Great Lakes to the Baltic Sea.

This recycling innovation turns trash into electricity, syngas, and rock wool

This recycling innovation turns trash into electricity, syngas, and rock wool

When people think of recycling, they usually imagine taking products made of plastic, paper, or some other substance and processing the material to create other products made of the same things. But another way to think of recycling innovations is turning trash into energy.

The Solar Bike: A Sustainable Innovation to Transform Transportation

The Solar Bike: A Sustainable Innovation to Transform Transportation

As more green innovators are redesigning the automobile industry to use solar energy, one man is looking at a smaller vehicle: the bicycle.Designed by Jesper Frausig in Demark, the Solar Bike is powered by solar panels, which deposits its energy into a small battery connected to the bike's frame.

2 Green Tech Startups That Could Transform Corporate Social Responsibility

2 Green Tech Startups That Could Transform Corporate Social Responsibility

Businesses--especially small ones--that want to go green are occasionally stunted by costs and ease of switching over to greener practices, especially when it comes to energy resources. But according to an article at Washington Business Journal, green tech startups Nextility and GreenSmith Energy Management Systems can potentially remove these obstacles.

Could Solar Power Sharing Make Renewables Affordable?

Could Solar Power Sharing Make Renewables Affordable?

Solar power is a great source for renewable energy, but it's largely inaccessible to many. When it comes down to who can get solar power, it mostly relies on a property owner willing to invest in the cost of installing solar panels.

UK plant uses recycling innovations to process cars and turn them into energy

UK plant uses recycling innovations to process cars and turn them into energy

The Financial Times reported recently on the opening of a new plant in Oldbury in the UK that promises to recycle almost 100 percent of old cars or else turn them into energy. While old cars are often used for parts, the fact remains that a lot of metal gets tossed into junk yards to rust slowly.

The Ekocycle 3D Printer: An Innovation For Recycling

The Ekocycle 3D Printer: An Innovation For Recycling

Humans produce hundreds of millions of tons of waste every year, and as we all know only a fraction of that waste gets re-used and recycled. Entirely too much of it ends up sitting in landfills or filling garbage dumps.

Recycling packing peanuts to make better batteries

Recycling packing peanuts to make better batteries

Packing peanuts have certainly been a great way to keep items being shipped from being damaged during the regular jostling and bumps that occur. They are also very cheap.

Three Apps To Improve Sustainability In Your Office

Three Apps To Improve Sustainability In Your Office

For any business, creating sustainable practices in the office can benefit the well-being of employees, as well as save money and energy for the business overall. However, sometimes it is harder to encourage green practice.

This UK pilot project could help recycle flexible laminated packaging

This UK pilot project could help recycle flexible laminated packaging

Aluminum from cans has been recycled for decades. But cans are not the only source of aluminum that could be recycled if the technology could be developed.