Green Tech | Waste Wise Products

Green Tech

Does a Centuries Old Mine in New York Represent a Zero Waste Energy Storage Solution?

Does a Centuries Old Mine in New York Represent a Zero Waste Energy Storage Solution?

One of the biggest hurdles green energy faces is storage. While it's true that the sun, the wind, and the tide all produce force we can harness to create electricity, we don't live our lives according to these environmental factors.

Is the Future of Rockets, Recycling?

Is the Future of Rockets, Recycling?

Recycling is not a concept one usually associates with rocket launches. When rockets take off from the pad, each stage flies until it runs out of fuel, and then it is discarded into the ocean.

Why this solar-powered grill designed by a MIT professor is a game changer

Why this solar-powered grill designed by a MIT professor is a game changer

Everyone loves a barbecue. Whether it's a 4th of July outing or a family get-together, we all love the taste of fresh, flame-grilled food.

Are Solar Roadways a Zero Waste of Space Solution For Green Energy?

Are Solar Roadways a Zero Waste of Space Solution For Green Energy?

We have seen an energy revolution over the past decade and change. Green energy, which was once considered a pipe dream, has become an everyday occurrence.

Can We Recycle Air Pollution Into Fuel?

Can We Recycle Air Pollution Into Fuel?

We're all familiar with ethanol. It's a kind of alcohol that's used as a fuel additive that helps us pay less at the pump, and it can even be used as a fuel source on its own.

Gum-Tec: Recycling chewing gum into thermoplastic elastomers

Gum-Tec: Recycling chewing gum into thermoplastic elastomers

Chewing gum may not be the most prevalent form of solid waste in terms of volume, but it is one of the most annoying. Most people have had the experience of finding gum sticking to the bottom of their shoes and having to pry it loose.

The Perpetual Plastic Project seeks to keep plastic out of landfills forever

The Perpetual Plastic Project seeks to keep plastic out of landfills forever

One of the more vexing problems in waste disposal is the proliferation of plastic. Plastic, unless it is specially treated to be biodegradable, tends to last an awfully long time, whether it is disposed of in landfills or waterways.

Is Fungi The Key To Better Battery Recycling?

Is Fungi The Key To Better Battery Recycling?

Lithium-ion batteries have become ubiquitous as smartphones and tablets proliferate. These kinds of batteries are rechargeable, but not forever.

Will Business Investment Increase Wind Tree Demand?

Will Business Investment Increase Wind Tree Demand?

We've known for some time that big business is going to be a leader in adopting sustainable, clean energy. With Microsoft arranging to buy its energy from renewable power plants, and companies like Chevrolet and Nissan experimenting with their car batteries to run entire buildings on nothing buy solar power, we're starting to see that green energy isn't just good for the planet; it's good for business.

Can We Recycle The Atmosphere AND Pull Fuel Out of Thin Air?

Can We Recycle The Atmosphere AND Pull Fuel Out of Thin Air?

One of the biggest environmental concerns we face today is an overabundance of greenhouse gases in our atmosphere. These gases come from everywhere; it seems, but some of the major sources are burning fossil fuels, waste dumps, and heavy industry.