A Finnish Company Plans To Produce Protein Powder From Green Energy and CO2
If you've turned on the news at all in the past decade or so, then you've no doubt seen that we have a serious issue with carbon dioxide. CO2 is one of the most common greenhouse gases responsible for climate change, and while we can all admit these emissions are a problem, too many of us seem reluctant to do something about it.

The World’s Largest Dump Truck Never Has To Be Recharged
Electric vehicles have been around for over a century, now, but they don't have the same kind of infrastructure that internal combustion vehicles do. And depending on where you're driving, you may not have charge stations anywhere around except at your own home, and maybe at one or two stores.

Can Scientists Unburn CO2?
If you listen to the news at all, then you know that one of the biggest contributors to climate change is that there is just too much CO2 in the atmosphere. Our emissions come from all over, but one of the most noted culprits is the use of coal.

Creating A Recycling Market With Software
With China's ban on further scrap plastic imports and subsequent restrictions by Southeast Asian countries such as Vietnam and Thailand, sellers of plastic suitable for recycling have been scrambling to find other markets for their product. The idea, of course, is to keep as much plastic out of landfills and the oceans as possible.

Using food waste to create electricity
Food waste, which places untold tons of vegetables and meat into landfills, represents a major problem in the developed world. Food that goes to waste does not alleviate hunger.

Could Solar Greenhouses Cut Down on Food Waste, and Create Sustainable Energy?
Greenhouses are not a new invention by any stretch of the imagination, but we have been making more use of them than ever before. And why wouldn't we? They allow us to grow pretty much whatever kind of food we want, all year round.

Cutting Food Waste With Chemical Sensors
Food waste is often thought of as something that happens in the home. We throw out food that has started to go bad or has passed its expiration date.

Will Robots in Our Greenhouses Cut Down on Food Waste?
The way technology has changed how we grow food is kind of spectacular, when you stop to think about it. Back in the late 1700s, about 90 percent of people in America were farmers.

The Challenge Of Recycling Carbon-Fiber-Reinforced Plastics
An article in Plastics Today highlights how the increasing adoption of carbon-fiber-reinforced plastics is forcing the adoption of new recycling innovations. Is carbon fiber plastic? Yes, and the problem is that commonly used plastic recycling technology damages the carbon fibers by first burning and charring them and then chopping them up, making them unsuitable for building structural components.

Can old tires be fully recyclable?
Could old, worn-out tires be recycled into useful products? That claim is being made by Green Distillation Technologies, a company in Australia. The company has developed a significant advance for recycling the part of a motor vehicle that is regularly thrown away after it is worn out.