Cash In On Convenient Recycling | Waste Wise Products

Cash In On Convenient Recycling

Cash In On Convenient Recycling

Businesses and organizations of all sizes can cut costs with the use of recycling bins. By providing your customers with recycling bins, you create a material flow within your organization that will generate income, instead of costing you ever higher waste collection and removal expenses.

Recyclable materials that are generally thrown into the garbage can benefit your organization in several ways. First, your garbage bill is significantly reduced. Hospitals have been able to cut their waste collection and removal expenses by as much as 70% within the first year of installing recycling containers. In addition, the recycled materials can then be sold to generate income. Furthermore, customers, clients and visitors leave your facility with a greater sense of goodwill toward your organization.

The Key To A Successful Recycling Program Is Convenience

Old habits can be difficult to break. The key to creating a successful recycling program in your business, plant or organization is convenience. By providing well placed, clearly labeled and attractive recycling bins throughout your establishment, they are far more likely to be used. There are many Toronto area online manufacturers of customized recycling containers to choose from. These can be made out of fiberglass, plastic or recycled plastic “lumber.” The recycling bins can integrate your company logo, color scheme, as well as many other options. You will want to use a provider that offers the widest selection and the greatest number of options at the best price.

By placing your recycling bins next to familiar trash receptacles, whether in your sales, manufacturing, or administrative areas, you will soon notice a drastic reduction in the amount of garbage being collected and disposed of and a surprising volume of marketable recyclable materials. Little to no training is required and most people recognize and value the positive impact the use of recycling bins has upon the environment. Your firm will appreciate the positive financial impact a recycling program can have on your cash flow.

How Recycling Cuts Costs

Recycling is a type of “Midas Magic” in the world of finance. Instead of paying someone else to collect and dispose of your garbage, you provide your employees and customers the opportunity to make a positive impact on the environment while creating a new source of revenue for your organization in the form of marketable, recyclable materials. By turning an expense into an income source, your savings are effectively doubled.

Integrating recycling bins into your organization requires minimal start-up costs and provides many long term benefits. Garbage collection costs involve containers, trash can liners, man hours in the form of collection are relocation and then trash disposal fees. Depending upon your type of firm, these costs can be substantial and, as your firm grows, so do these costs.

Options And Opportunities For Increased Income

By installing recycling containers at your place of business, office or manufacturing plant, not only will you reduce your overhead, you will generate a new source of income. Customers will be pleased to participate in your environmentally sound program, adding to the volume of marketable recyclables. Employees will contribute both as individuals and as members of your firm, adding their personal beverage containers and other recyclables to your material flow. Each of these contributions adds up to create even more income for your firm or organization.

As you become familiar with the financial benefits of recycling, you will discover that there are many other opportunities within your firm to increase this income source. The more recycling containers you provide, the more they will be used. Conveniently placed, attractive recycling bins may be just the thing your firm needs to turn a loss into a profit.

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