Post-Pandemic Schools: How to Prepare | Waste Wise Products

Post-Pandemic Schools: How to Prepare

Post-Pandemic Schools: How to Prepare

Right now, parents, students, and teachers are breathing a sigh of relief as we enter summer break. As many school districts ended the year in a remote format, they are now looking toward the fall. How can we make schools safe, sanitary places to get learning done? While some schools explore half-day options and other ways to create hybrid remote and face-to-face learning environments, there are three steps all schools should be taking to ensure that, if possible, students, staff, and teachers can make a safe return to school buildings in the fall. 

PPE disposal bins

Most likely, some states will still require masks during group gatherings, and schools will be no exception. Wearing masks will help slow the spread of Covid-19, preventing upward trends in cases this fall. However, these masks will have to be safely disposed of, and a dedicated PPE disposal bin is the best way to do that. 

In classroom wipes dispensers

With the possibility of closed cafeterias, students will need to do more than ever at their desks, including eating. Easy access to wipes in each room will help students contribute to the health of their classrooms. 

Hand sanitizer stands

While it’s recommended that everyone practices frequent hand washing, increased bathroom traffic in schools could be overwhelming, and sometimes it is just not practical. Installing hand sanitizer stands can spread out this foot-traffic, and encourage students to sanitize more frequently. 

While the future of the typical school day may be uncertain, there are simple, actionable steps that schools can take to be abundantly prepared for the return of students to the classrooms. By taking preventative measures, schools can be up and running on time, without any added stress. Parents, teachers, administrators, and students will also appreciate these measures, long after we’ve overcome the Coronavirus pandemic and are back to worrying about flu season. 

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