The world is dealing with a serious crisis over plastic. Because while it’s wormed its way into nearly every aspect of our lives, and it is technically recyclable, plastic is clogging our rivers, saturating our oceans, and filling up our waste dumps. The major issue seems to be finding something to turn all of this material into; a product that is worthwhile, valuable, and useful.
According to Intelligent Living, Goodwood Plastic Products Ltd. has found a solution.
Could Plastic Wood Clean Out Our Landfills?
Goodwood, as a company, recycles up to 80 percent of the municipal plastic recyclables in Halifax, Canada. From processed food jars to single-use bags, to consumer packaging, Goodwood turns them into fresh, strong building materials. From park benches to guardrails to agricultural posts, the company’s goal is to take post-consumer recycled plastic and turn it into a resource instead of a waste product.
In December 2019, Goodwood partnered with Sobey’s grocery store to construct one of the country’s first parking lots made entirely out of plastic waste collected from local landfills.
An Exportable Business Model
Plastic waste is a global problem, but by applying the methods and techniques that Goodwood uses, it could become a global resource. Everything from parking lots and safety barriers, to park benches & recycling bins, to low-cost housing could incorporate this post-consumer recycled material; preventing plastic winding up in the environment.
While it’s possible that with changes in manufacturing and culture that plastic waste will eventually dry up as a resource, that would be a great problem to have.