3 Ways to Get Kids Excited About Recycling | Waste Wise Products

3 Ways to Get Kids Excited About Recycling

3 Ways to Get Kids Excited About Recycling

Recycling is becoming an increasingly pressing issue. As such, it is becoming more and more important to not only take steps now to recycle but also to start making it a priority to teach children to do the same. Here are three ways to get kids excited about recycling.

1. Make it competitive

Kids like to play games, so why not make a game out of recycling. Maybe create teams with goals such as gathering recyclables from the community. Whatever team collects the most could win an extra 30 minutes of recreation time or maybe a pizza party.

2. Show them the value

It’s not enough for children to recycle, they need to understand why it’s important so that they will make good habits of recycling that last a lifetime. Maybe planning a field trip to a local recycling plant so they can understand what exactly happens when they drop off the recyclable products.

3. Let the kids design the graphics

Why not let the kids design the graphics for the recycling bins as a class project? This will do a few things. First, it will give them a sense of accomplishment, knowing that they personally have a hand in the recycling being done at the school. Second, they will learn more because they will have to do some research to create relevant graphics for the bins.

Recycling is important, so it is absolutely vital that we teach our children about recycling and how crucial it is to our environment. Getting kids interested at an early age is a great way to make good habits that will last a lifetime. Making it fun for them is a great way to not only teach them how to do it and why it’s important, but it will also help them inspire others in the community.

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