New rules and culture can be challenging to implement in an office environment. Generating employee enthusiasm about green habits doesn’t have to be! Employees can transition easily when they participate and engage in the change. Simply start by giving your workers the support they need.

Provide the first step

Give employees a refillable sports bottle upon hire or give bottles away during special events and birthdays. A big part of going green means reducing single-use styrofoam and plastic. Providing a bottle to every employee ensures each person understands the expectations and, from day one, can take part in the initiative. The water bottles also provide an avenue for a conversation with workers about additional green initiatives the company may be implementing.

Make it the most convenient option

Display recycling bins in convenient places, not just one in the dark corner at the back of the office. Utilize several discrete, multi-stream recycling bins in strategic areas around the office: near cubicle junctions, next to the printer, or in the breakroom. Recycling should be a part of everyday life in the office, not a chore to be burdened with. Customize the look and configuration of your recycle bin choice to fit the specific needs of your office.

Make it fun!

Saying goodbye to styrofoam cups means you can now have a “coolest mug contest” for morning coffee instead! Allow employees to show off their “World’s Best Dad” or witty joke mug to their coworkers. Allow for possible addendums to current rules such as permitting employees to keep small plants to refresh air throughout the office. Or, consider implementing ideas for green living that extend beyond the office like a Casual Friday option. When sales are met, employees can wear a casual wardrobe for a day to reduce the number of suits sent off to the dry cleaners that week. The possibilities are nearly endless!

Most importantly, unleash the creativity of your own people! They are the ones who know their needs and can help develop the most effective transition strategy.