The beautiful thing about thoughtful food consumption is that with just a minimum amount of mindfulness, you can kill two birds with one stone. We mean that metaphorically, of course. As an environmentally conscious company, we are in the business of preserving nature rather than attacking it. Which is, in part, why we care about cutting down on plastic pollution.

Since reducing global consumption of single-use plastic is important, we are always looking for creative ways to help people cut down.


We must encourage people to cut down on their plastic consumption because the environmental effects of plastic pollution are manifold.

The amount of garbage in the world increases as the population grows, and disposable plastic products, like water bottles and soda cans, accumulate over time. Plastic pollution occurs when enough plastic has gathered in an area that it affects the natural environment and harms plants, animals, or humans (Earth Eclipse).

It is incumbent on each of us to participate by reducing the number of plastics we consume as the effects of plastic pollution are far-reaching. Fortunately, as indicated at the outset of this post, there’s a simple way to do so while simultaneously promoting mindful food consumption.


One simple way to cut down on the amount of single-use plastics that we consume is to eat more foods that actually are their own containers. Think of fruits such as bananas and oranges, as well as foods such as hard-boiled eggs and unshelled nuts. Such items make excellent additions to any packed lunch. Not only are these foods good for the environment, since they require no plastic baggies or containers, but they are also healthy and delicious.

A Little Goes a Long Way

Fortunately, with just a little mindfulness, you can keep both your body and your planet healthy. By choosing food items that are their own containers, you can cut down on single-use plastic consumption and enjoy a healthier diet in one step.